Speech Therapy -> Expressive Language -> Requesting
The ability to use language to ask for an item/action
Activity List(s)
Visual Schedule Cards
Goal Bank
- Jane will request using AAC device with 80% accuracy given moderate cueing across 3 consecutive sessions. 1
- Carlton will request an object/activity/basic need (e.g. take a break) given visual supports (e.g. field of 3-4 picture symbols) in 80% of opportunities, adjusting level of support as needed across consecutive therapy sessions as measured by clinician data and observation to increase expressive language skills. 2
- Illa will imitate, then use, words to request assistance (help, open) 3 times during a session over 3 consecutive sessions as measured by clinician data and observation to increase expressive language abilities. 2
- During structured and unstructured activities, Florencia will use action words to verbalize basic wants & needs (e.g. stop, go, turn, want, eat) with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive therapy sessions to increase expressive communication. 3
- Given a field of 4 or more picture icons, Genia will request a highly desired item with 80% accuracy 4 times during a session without tactile assistance to increase pragmatic and language skills. 3
- Scott will imitate, then use 2-word utterances with fading prompts with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to improve expressive language skills. 2
- Chadwick will use his SGD to make requests and comment with 80% accuracy given moderate assistance over 5 consecutive sessions to improve functional communication. 2
- Given verbal and visual prompts, Ardelle will consistently use multi-word utterances (4+ words) for a variety of pragmatic functions (including labeling, commenting, and requesting) 9 /10 times in a session to improve expressive and pragmatic language skills as measured by data collection and observation across 3 consecutive data collection days. 2
- With fading modeling, Jordan will use carrier phrases "I don't want (item or activity)" and/or "I want (item or activity)" using AAC or any multimodal communication when expressing refusal or approval in 3 out 4 opportunities in 6 consecutive sessions, for active participation in everyday life situations. 0
- Cory will use multiple modes of communication to appropriately protest, communicate that she is upset, and request sensory activities/break time to remain calm in 3 /4 opportunities given minimal assistance across 5 consecutive sessions to increase expressive and pragmatic language skills. 3
Santa’s Sack of Presents
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Large Santa sack with variety of presents of different shapes, colors, sizes. Can be used as reinforcer or for language activities.
I Want (sentence Strip) With Example Photos For Requesting, Low-Tech AAC
Jessica Lenden-Holt
"I want" sentence strip with four example photos.
Requesting Sentence Strips With Coloring Vocabulary
Sara Lowczyk
12 sentence strips with color vocabulary cards.
Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Story
Bailey Morgan, MA, CCC-SLP
A story about Kiki who is planning to make breakfast for the holidays. The story focuses on planning, making lists, requesting, problem solving, following a recipe, and more.
Includes activity list5
Pizza Parlor Speech, Language, and Reinforcer Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
13 pages of games/activities. Use as a reinforcer or to target speech/ language skills.
Halloween and Fall Graphics
Savannah Kerstetter
Slides with individual graphics for fall and Halloween.
Includes activity list5
Clothing Items
Jessica Lenden-Holt
A variety of clothing items for different seasons and weather, large suitcase, design your own clothing, question/command cards.
Includes activity list4
Sports Game Boards, Players, Jerseys, Balls For Football, Soccer, Baseball, Basketball and More
Jessica Lenden-Holt
24 pages of sports themed speech and language activities
Includes activity list3
Cupcake Shoppe Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
19 pages of cupcake activities. Including: 2 bakery create a scene backgrounds, 2 page of create a scene items/bakers, 4 create your own cupcake black/white images, 2 pages of large cupcakes, 2 pag...