Speech Therapy -> Expressive Language -> Utterance Expansion
Utterance Expansion
Increasing the amount of words spoken at a time.
Activity List(s)
Top 20 (View all)
- Valentine's Day Multisyllabic Words in Phrases 1
- Tell me about... 2
- Verb Root Words 1
- Add an action word: Halloween Edition 1
- Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Action Words 0
- Thanksgiving Sentence Strip - Vocabulary 1
- How Questions related to Christmas Holiday 0
- Narrative or Story Starters related to Christmas 0
- What belongs in this Group? Christmas Edition 1
- Spring Multisyllabic Paragraphs 1
- Winter Multisyllabic Words in Phrases 1
- What belongs in this Group? Valentine's Day Edition 1
- Winter Multisyllabic Words in Paragraphs 1
- Thanksgiving Grateful Choice Board and Worksheet - Sentence Strips, Questions, and Thought Starters 1
- Thanksgiving Grateful Choice Board and Worksheet - Vocabulary 1
- Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Categorization 0
- All About Me Question List with Additional Prompts 2
- December Holiday Multisyllabic Words in Phrases 1
- Winter Multisyllabic Words in Phrases 1
- Thanksgiving Sentence Strips, Questions, and Thought Starters 1
Goal Bank
- Scott will imitate, then use 2-word utterances with fading prompts with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to improve expressive language skills. 2
- During structured clinical tasks/target words, Kelley will produce a variety of consonant-vowel combinations including CVC, CVCV, CVCVC at the word, phrase, and sentence-level and then progress to spontaneous productions, without prompting, to increase his ability to make his wants/needs to be known, with 80% accuracy across 3 treatment sessions. 3
- Given verbal and visual prompts, Ardelle will consistently use multi-word utterances (4+ words) for a variety of pragmatic functions (including labeling, commenting, and requesting) 9 /10 times in a session to improve expressive and pragmatic language skills as measured by data collection and observation across 3 consecutive data collection days. 2
- Jesse will produce 4-word utterances during play based activities with 90% intelligibility across 3 consecutive sessions when provided fading carrier phonemes, verbal models, and visual pacing cues as measured by clinician data and observation to increase overall speech intelligibility. 2
- Carson will use age appropriate vocabulary phoneme to talk about her environment (i.e. I see__. I hear___. I feel___.) in 3 /4 trials over 4 consecutive therapy sessions to increase utterance length and complexity as measured by clinician data and observation. 2
- When asked a personal question/question about object/picture/curriculum, Maud will answer using a 2-4 word utterance when provided fading verbal models and visual supports with 90% accuracy across 4 consecutive sessions as measured by clinician data collection to demonstrate expressive language, receptive language, and pragmatic/social skills. 2
- Mauro will produce a variety of consonant-vowel combinations including CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV words with fading prompts in structured and play activities to improve speech intelligibility with 90% accuracy across 3 sessions. 3
- Sheena will provide 4 attributes of an object/picture/vocabulary target with minimal visual/semantic cues with 90% accuracy across 4 consecutive sessions as measured by clinician data collection to improve overall expressive and receptive language skills. 3
- Shawn will listen to a series of words and then formulate the words into a complete, semantically and grammatically correct statement or question independently with 80% accuracy across 3 consecutive therapy sessions to improve expressive language skills. 4
- Given pictures, Gisela will name family members with 90% accuracy for 4 out of 4 sessions as measured by clinician observation to increase expressive language skills. 2
- Illa will imitate, then use, words to request assistance (help, open) 3 times during a session over 3 consecutive sessions as measured by clinician data and observation to increase expressive language abilities. 2
- Whitney will develop and expand imitation skills, moving from imitation of motor patterns to imitation of vocal patterns and speech sounds with 90% accuracy across 3 sessions as measured by clinician data and observation to increase overall expressive language skills and speech intelligibility. 3
- Chong will use three-word phonemes inclusive of pronouns: I, me, my, you in 3/4 opportunities across three therapy sessions when given moderate, multi-modality cues to demonstrate understanding of appropriate grammar. 3
- Taylor will expand comments or questions to express a message for a communication partner for 2/3 topics/subtopics given moderate cueing across 4 of 5 sessions. 0
- Carlton will request an object/activity/basic need (e.g. take a break) given visual supports (e.g. field of 3-4 picture symbols) in 80% of opportunities, adjusting level of support as needed across consecutive therapy sessions as measured by clinician data and observation to increase expressive language skills. 2
- When given verbal, visuals or gesture prompts, Teri will use 2+ words to describe a picture with 80% accuracy, over 3 consecutive sessions, as measured by observations, data collection and/or standardized testing to increase expressive language skills. 2
- Ricki will orally label age-appropriate vocabulary words presented in objects and pictures, such as nouns and actions/verbs, and will use these target words accurately in a phrase or sentence with 90% accuracy across 3 therapy sessions, to expand expressive vocabulary skills to an age-appropriate level. 4
- Albertine will express needs with phonemes like "I want _____" or "I need ______" with her nurse, teachers, peers, etc. with 90% accuracy across 5 consecutive sessions to improve language expression. 2
- When engaged in play with toys, play routines, or classroom activities, given fading verbal and gesture prompts, Gregg will produce/approximate 5-5 word phonemes to comment on her play or actions with 90% accuracy across 5 consecutive therapy sessions, as measured by clinician observation. 1
- Chassidy will use 3+ word combinations to make requests and comments, first imitatively, then spontaneously, with 80% accuracy across 5 consecutive sessions to improve verbal language expression. 2
Top 20 (View all)
Christmas Preposition Coloring Book (B&W)
Sara Lowczyk
A Christmas Preposition Book in black and white with other activities and coloring pages.
Includes activity list2
Thanksgiving Sentence Strip
Sara Lowczyk
Editable resource with different objects and a Thanksgiving sentence strip.
Includes activity list1
Woodland Animals Sight Word Book
Sara Lowczyk
A sight word book for woodland animals.
Includes activity list2
Valentine’s Day Sentence Strip
Sara Lowczyk
Valentine’s Day themed activity to target different goals. Pronoun sentence strips with other items.
Roll a Word Dice Game
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Dice game Can be modified for sound/syllable/word/sentence level practice Can be modified for language skills
Space/Solar System Sentence Strip
Sara Lowczyk
A sentence strip with vocabulary cards for a space theme unit.
Includes activity list1
Santa’s Sack of Presents
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Large Santa sack with variety of presents of different shapes, colors, sizes. Can be used as reinforcer or for language activities.
Halloween Theme Parent Handout With Vocabulary Cards: Commenting
Sara Lowczyk
A parent parent handout for preschool parents* on how to comment to increase their child’s language. *Please contact me if you want me to remove the word preschool for upper grades.
Includes activity list4
Verbs/Create a Sentence
Sara Lowczyk
15 early verb sentence creation worksheets. Fill in the blank options available; 2 sets per verb.
I Spy With Target R Words
Jessica Lenden-Holt
One page: "I Spy" image with lists of target "r" words. One page: List of pre-vocalic "r" words One page: List of vocalic "r" words One page: Articulation hierarchy and suggestions One page: Expans...
Luck Definition Worksheet For St. Patrick’s Day
Sara Lowczyk
A worksheet to define luck and the shamrock.
Valentine’s Day Verb Cards
Sara Lowczyk
16 verb cards: big and small options available with 4 sentence strips to fit the small sizes.
Story Starters
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Can be modified to target articulation or language. Conversation or generating sentences based tasks.
/f/ Brush Your Teeth Activity All Positions
Sara Lowczyk
An interactive activity with 12 initial, 12 medial and 12 final words. Each page has a smiley face with blacked out teeth. Each page has a teletherapy option and a print option.
Includes activity list1
Sight Words Valentine’s Day Game Boards
Sara Lowczyk
6 Game Boards separated by grade sight word lists.
Dog Token Reward System
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Token reward system using pictures of dogs. I am working for visual 4 sample reward photos
Future Simple Tense Verbs Sentence Completion and Creation
Abigail Willis CCC SLP
A sentence completion and creation task targeting future simple verb tense.
Includes activity list7
Requesting Sentence Strips With Coloring Vocabulary
Sara Lowczyk
12 sentence strips with color vocabulary cards.
Possessive Pronouns: Sentence Completion and Creation
Abigail Willis CCC-SLP
Sentence completion and creation task targeting possessive pronouns.
Professionals who selected this minor focus area as their top area of expertise.
Pamela Johnson
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPI specialize in Early Intervention working with children and their families to develop and expand...
Melissa Bridge
Full-time Therapist CCC-SLPBorn and raised in Syracuse, New York, I moved to Knoxville in the midst of a pandemic! I receive...