Speech Therapy -> Hearing -> Auditory Skills
Auditory Skills
Hearing abilities such as auditory discrimination (syllabification, noticing differences in words), auditory figure-ground discrimination (attending to speaker, blocking out background noises/music), auditory memory (recalling information previously presented via audio), and auditory sequencing (understanding and recalling direction sequence, number sequence, etc). attention to a speaker, blocking out background noise,
Reference links
Engaging and Fun Speech Activities We Use At Home For Babies, Toddlers and Children 1
Author: Melissa Hyder - An article reviewing Learning Strategies and play-based activities for parents to use at home with babies, toddlers, and children with hearing loss.
www.hearinglikeme.com -
Treatment of (Central) Auditory Processing Disorder: Bridging the Gap Between the Audiologist and the Speech-Language Pathologist 1
Author: Velvet Buehler, MA/MS, CCC-A/SLP - There is a history of debate and controversy about the assessment and intervention of children diagnosed with auditory processing disorder (APD). Professionals in communication sciences and disorders view APD from different perspectives. Speech language pathologists (SLPs) tend to view APD from the language and literacy perspective, or a top-down model, whereas audiologists tend to view APD from an auditory perception perspective, or a bottom-up model. Professionals who assess and treat children with APD need to bridge the gap and merge their different perspectives to plan effective interventions for children with APD.
pubs.asha.org -
Teachers’ Opinions Regarding the Symptoms of Central Auditory Processing Disorder In Children With Reading and Writing Difficulties 1
Author: Fulya Yalçınkaya, Işık Sibel Küçükünal, A. Dilek Öğretir Özçelik - The study reported on here aimed to investigate whether CAPD symptoms were underlying to reading and writing difficulty. It was detected that children with CAPD symptoms had a significant disadvantage in reading and writing compared to children who did not have these symptoms. Children with CAPD symptoms should be referred for diagnosis if the CAPD indications are identified.
hdl.handle.net -
Better Together 1
Author: Tena McNamara, AuD, CCC-A/SLP and Gail Richard, PhD, CCC-SLP - It is more productive to focus on addressing the effects of auditory weaknesses on school and home life than to expend energy debating whether poor performance on auditory skills tests reflects an auditory processing deficit or a language deficit.
leader.pubs.asha.org -
Redefining Auditory Processing Disorder 1
Author: Susan Boswell - Often, treatment for APD and receptive language and comprehension may be the same. Specific remediation doesn’t exist for the perceptual processing skills (such as dichotic listening) that are assessed.
doi.org -
Understanding Intervention For (C)APD: As Easy As A-B-C 1
Author: Jeanane M. Ferre - Poor (central) auditory processing may manifest behaviorally in a variety of ways, including deficient academic performance, impaired communication, and altered sense of self. A is for Activities, B is for Barriers, and C is for Collaboration.
Activity List(s)
Top 20 (View all)
- Sheep Rhyming Words 2
- Pig Rhyming Words 2
- Hen Rhyming Words 2
- Cow Rhyming Words 2
- Learning to Listen Sounds 3
- Duck Rhyming Words 2
- Say the Missing Word 2
- Auditory Discrimination Sound Chain 3
- Sound Localization Game 2
- Say the Missing Syllable 2
- Cat Rhyming Words 2
- 2 Step Temporal Directions-Spring Things 2
- Dog Rhyming Words 2
- December Holiday Multisyllabic Word Paragraphs 1
- Phone conversation ordering a pizza 3
- Thanksgiving 1,2, & 3 step directions (using Thanksgiving Pronoun Sort by Sara Lowczyk) 0
- Farm Song Book 6
- Donkey Rhyming Words 2
- Winter Multisyllabic Words 1
- Winter Multisyllabic Words in Paragraphs 1
Related Disorder(s)
- Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD) - Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a hearing problem that affects about 3%–5% of school-aged children. Kids with this condition, also known as central auditory processing disorder (CAPD), can't understand what they hear in the same way other kids do. This is because their ears and brain don't fully coordinate.
Goal Bank
- Morris will recall short words (approximately 4-6 phonemes in length) verbatim with 80% accuracy across 5 consecutive sessions to demonstrate attention, working memory, and/or auditory awareness skills. 2
- Lucy will discriminate /w/ from /v/ productions with 90% accuracy across 3 out of 4 treatment sessions. 1
- Meagan will recall details of a story presented via auditory means with 80% accuracy given minimal cueing across 4 out of 5 sessions. 1
Following Directions: Robot Coloring Sheet
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Full page robot coloring sheet. One Step, Two Step, and Three Step Instructions Data Collection Sheet Suggestions for Use Visual Support for first/then/last Visual Support for before/after Use in p...
Winter Theme Board Game
Mickayla Hulliberger M.S. CF-SLP
This themed board game require no preparation and is perfect for preschool and elementary students. You can easily target various speech and language goals such as articulation, phonology, apraxia,...