Speech Therapy -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Conversation
The ability to hold a successful conversation which requires skills including topic maintenance, turn-taking, and appropriate commenting.
Activity List(s)
- Social story about introducing yourself to a new friend at the pool 2
- Social Situations and Scenarios 1
- United Nations, Specialized Agencies and Specialized Funds 5
- Self Control and and Problem Solving Unexpected Events 1
- What belongs in this Group? Thanksgiving Edition 1
- Phone conversation ordering a pizza 3
- List of Common Metaphors 1
- December Holiday Multisyllabic Word Paragraphs 1
- Narrative or Story Starters related to Christmas 0
- Name the category: Thanksgiving Edition 1
- Halloween Cupcake Decorating 1
- Thanksgiving Phrases with Multisyllabic Words 1
- Winter Multisyllabic Words in Paragraphs 1
- All About Me Question List with Additional Prompts 2
- December Holiday Multisyllabic Words in Phrases 1
- Phone call to the library to see if a book is in 2
- December Holiday Multisyllabic Words in Sentences 1
- Thanksgiving /t/ words 0
Visual Schedule Cards
Be Kind 0
Goal Bank
- Peggy will learn, understand, and use expressions that are socially acceptable and age-appropriate as a means to express acceptance, rejection/refusal, or disapproval given moderate cues with 80% accuracy across 5 consecutive sessions to improve pragmatic language skills. 3
- During structured clinical tasks/target words, Kelley will produce a variety of consonant-vowel combinations including CVC, CVCV, CVCVC at the word, phrase, and sentence-level and then progress to spontaneous productions, without prompting, to increase his ability to make his wants/needs to be known, with 80% accuracy across 3 treatment sessions. 3
- When asked a personal question/question about object/picture/curriculum, Maud will answer using a 2-4 word utterance when provided fading verbal models and visual supports with 90% accuracy across 4 consecutive sessions as measured by clinician data collection to demonstrate expressive language, receptive language, and pragmatic/social skills. 2
- Elisha will answer simple y/n and "wh" questions appropriately with and without visual cues with 80% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to improve receptive and expressive language skills. 3
- Taylor will expand comments or questions to express a message for a communication partner for 2/3 topics/subtopics given moderate cueing across 4 of 5 sessions. 0
Top 20 (View all)
Are They Listening? Conversation Support
Sara Lowczyk
This is a quick visual support to aid in listening skills/conversation skills.
New Year’s Resolution Worksheet
Sara Lowczyk
A New Year’s resolution worksheet with prompts and vocabulary terms.
Walking Side By Side (Friendship Social Story)
Sara Lowczyk
A social story about how to walk and talk with friends.
Includes activity list1
Love Definition Worksheet
Sara Lowczyk
A worksheet to define love: people we love, why we love them, how we can show them and a write a sentence activity.
What Happened At School Today
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support to provide to teachers to send home with students.
Cafeteria Social Story
Sara Lowczyk
A giant social story about eating in the cafeteria.
Includes activity list1
Flyers For Functional Language and Conversation Middle School and High School
Jessica Lenden-Holt
A variety of flyers to use for functional speech and language activities for older students.
Taking Turns Conversation Visual Support
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support and reminder for taking turns in conversation.
Winter Vocabulary/Parent Handout
Sara Lowczyk
Parent handout with vocabulary terms printed on the back.
Story Starters
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Can be modified to target articulation or language. Conversation or generating sentences based tasks.
Social Story: I Will Keep My Hands to Myself
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Personalized social story No hitting/no pushing social story
Wh- Question Visuals
Jessica Lenden-Holt
11 pages. Large and small Wh-question visuals (who, what, when, where, how, why) with explanation and visuals examples. Two pages of simple practice Wh-questions.
St. Patrick’s Day Large Vocabulary Cards For Matching
Sara Lowczyk
12 Large vocabulary cards to be used in matching games, go-fish, flash cards, etc.
Animal Token Reward Sysem
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Token Reward System using animals. "I am working for" visual 4 sample photos of possible motivators
Santa’s Suprise Numbers Game
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Santa themed activity that can be modified to target speech, language or behavior.
Thanksgiving Vocabulary Cariboo Cards
Sara Lowczyk
40 Cariboo cards (two sets, one with words and one without words) related to Thanksgiving vocabulary. Can also be used as small flash cards for other activities.