Speech Therapy -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Following Directions
Following Directions
Following instructions is a part of everyday life. It is the child’s ability to act on requests by others. Following instructions requires the child to attend to detail in spoken language, to sequence the information in the appropriate steps and to seek clarification if they have trouble remembering or recalling the information.
Reference links
Parents' Experiences of Professionals' Involvement For Children With Extreme Demand Avoidance 0
Author: Emma Gore Langton 1, Norah Frederickson 1 - Parents felt positive about practitioners who had listened to their experiences, made efforts to understand the child, and provided or arranged for help. Parents found involvement most helpful when it resulted in comprehensive assessment, appropriate intervention, practical advice and management strategies, and a focus on the well-being of all family members. The overall ratings of helpfulness are encouraging, and the specific feedback about what is most helpful could be of value in shaping services.
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov -
Communication/Interaction Development At Mealtimes For the Multiply Handicapped Child: Implications For Use of Augmentative Communication Systems 1
Author: Morris, S. - The mealtime setting can be creatively used by the speech-language pathologist to increase the positive interactions between the child and caregiver and to establish the basic prerequisites for the development of communication. Specific program suggestions are provided to enable the speech-language pathologist to utilize the mealtime setting to integrate both vocal and nonvocal communicative objectives.
Activity List(s)
- One-step directions about the body (can use with "Here We Are") 5
- Two-step directions involving body movements 3
- Two-step directions about the body (can use with "Here We Are") 5
- Kiki's Holiday Breakfast 1,2, and 3 step directions 1
- Two-step directions at school 3
- Following 1-step verbal directions at school 1
- Butter Recipe 1
- Steps for making a bag of microwave popcorn 2
- Kiki wants you to draw a Ladybug 1
- Following Directions: Valentine's Day - Kiki sends a letter to Robo 1
- Drawing, following directions with colors and shapes. 1
- Haunted House 1
- Halloween Cupcake Decorating 1
- Thanksgiving Sentence Strips, Questions, and Thought Starters 1
- One-, two-, and three-step directions – Kiki is Flying 0
Visual Schedule Cards
Goal Bank
- Kelly will follow simple one-step directions with moderate cueing with 80% accuracy across 3 of 5 sessions. 1
- Hector will follow two-step unrelated directions in a quiet listening environment in with 90% accuracy to improve receptive language skills in 3/4 opportunities across 4 therapy sessions when given minimal verbal and visual cues. 3
- Given visual timer, Orlando will end preferred task and transition to therapist selected task without negative behaviors 4 out of 5 trials across 3 sessions as measured by clinician observation and data collection to increase pragmatic and executive functioning skills. 2
- When given scenarios of social conflicts, Hannah will demonstrate problem-solving skills by identifying the problem and generating 2 solutions appropriate to the situation, with min assistance, with 80% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to demonstrate examples of pragmatic/social / life skills such as dealing with conflict. 0
- During structured clinical tasks/target words, Kelley will produce a variety of consonant-vowel combinations including CVC, CVCV, CVCVC at the word, phrase, and sentence-level and then progress to spontaneous productions, without prompting, to increase his ability to make his wants/needs to be known, with 80% accuracy across 3 treatment sessions. 3
Top 20 (View all)
Minion Token Reward System
Jessica Lenden-Holt
6 count Minion token reward system I am working for visual 4 sample reward photos
Token Reward System Trophies
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Earn trophies for correct productions/responses. Set of 10.
Recess/Playground Giant Social Story
Sara Lowczyk
A large social story about recess/playground.
Includes activity list1
Washing Hands (real Pictures) Visual Support
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support to hang in bathrooms for washing hands.
Potty Training Chart
Sara Lowczyk
A reward chart created while I worked at The Autism Program of Illinois.
I Can Do It! Reward Chart
Sara Lowczyk
This is a weekly reward chart to be sent home with parents or to be used at school for expectations.
Two-Step Directions At School
Kevin Dias
With this resource you can work on having your patient follow two-step directions for situations they may often encounter at school.
Includes activity list3
YETI, SET, GO! Game Companion For Articulation
Breann Voytko
Use this resource for targeting any speech sound while playing YETI, SET, GO
First Next Then Visual
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Visual supports for first, next, then. Can be used as a visual schedule or for sequencing activities.
Riding the Bus Social Story
Sara Lowczyk
A large social story about riding the bus to be used to prepare and go over appropriate behavior on the bus.
Includes activity list1
Following Directions: Basketball Coloring Sheet With Visual Supports and Data Collection
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Princess on bike coloring sheet. One Step, Two Step, and Three Step Instructions Data Collection Sheet Suggestions for Use Visual Support for first/then/last Visual Support for before/after Use in ...
Social Story Wearing a Mask to School COVID
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Social Story by Autism Little Learners with permission to share.
Following Directions With Visual Supports - A Princess, Unicorn and Castle Activity
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Coloring page following directions activity: princess/unicorn/castle themed. Pre-written commands and complex instructions. Visual supports for multi-step commands included. Data collection sheet a...
Following Directions With Visual Supports - A Mermaid and Dolphin Activity
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Coloring page following directions activity: mermaid themed Pre-written commands and complex instructions. Visual supports for multi-step commands included. Data collection sheet also included.
Following Directions With Visual Supports - Football Player Activity
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Following directions coloring activity. Pre-written commands of various complexity. Visual supports for multi-step commands. Data collection sheet.
Following Directions: Robot Coloring Sheet
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Full page robot coloring sheet. One Step, Two Step, and Three Step Instructions Data Collection Sheet Suggestions for Use Visual Support for first/then/last Visual Support for before/after Use in p...
Feed the Cat/Dog Home Checklist
Sara Lowczyk
These are step by step instructions for feeding a cat/dog. These were created while I worked at The Autism Program and used to send home.
Following Directions With Visual Supports - A Unicorn and Castle Activity
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Coloring page following directions activity: unicorn/castle themed Pre-written commands and complex instructions. Visual supports for multi-step commands included. Data collection sheet also included.