Speech Therapy -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Following Directions

Following Directions

Following instructions is a part of everyday life. It is the child’s ability to act on requests by others. Following instructions requires the child to attend to detail in spoken language, to sequence the information in the appropriate steps and to seek clarification if they have trouble remembering or recalling the information.

Reference links

  • Parents' Experiences of Professionals' Involvement For Children With Extreme Demand Avoidance 0
    Author: Emma Gore Langton 1, Norah Frederickson 1 - Parents felt positive about practitioners who had listened to their experiences, made efforts to understand the child, and provided or arranged for help. Parents found involvement most helpful when it resulted in comprehensive assessment, appropriate intervention, practical advice and management strategies, and a focus on the well-being of all family members. The overall ratings of helpfulness are encouraging, and the specific feedback about what is most helpful could be of value in shaping services.
  • Communication/Interaction Development At Mealtimes For the Multiply Handicapped Child: Implications For Use of Augmentative Communication Systems 1
    Author: Morris, S. - The mealtime setting can be creatively used by the speech-language pathologist to increase the positive interactions between the child and caregiver and to establish the basic prerequisites for the development of communication. Specific program suggestions are provided to enable the speech-language pathologist to utilize the mealtime setting to integrate both vocal and nonvocal communicative objectives.

Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Goal Bank

  • Kelly will follow simple one-step directions with moderate cueing with 80% accuracy across 3 of 5 sessions. 1
  • Hector will follow two-step unrelated directions in a quiet listening environment in with 90% accuracy to improve receptive language skills in 3/4 opportunities across 4 therapy sessions when given minimal verbal and visual cues. 3
  • Given visual timer, Orlando will end preferred task and transition to therapist selected task without negative behaviors 4 out of 5 trials across 3 sessions as measured by clinician observation and data collection to increase pragmatic and executive functioning skills. 2
  • When given scenarios of social conflicts, Hannah will demonstrate problem-solving skills by identifying the problem and generating 2 solutions appropriate to the situation, with min assistance, with 80% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to demonstrate examples of pragmatic/social / life skills such as dealing with conflict. 0
  • During structured clinical tasks/target words, Kelley will produce a variety of consonant-vowel combinations including CVC, CVCV, CVCVC at the word, phrase, and sentence-level and then progress to spontaneous productions, without prompting, to increase his ability to make his wants/needs to be known, with 80% accuracy across 3 treatment sessions. 3


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