Speech Therapy -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> On-Task Behavior

On-Task Behavior

Being able to identify the expected task and then sustain attention in order to complete steps to finish the task. Off-task behavior occurs when attention is directed away from the task or when avoidance of task behaviors emerge.

Reference links

  • The Functional External Memory Aid Tool Version 2.0: A How-To Clinical Guide 0
    Author: Alyssa M Lanzi 1 2, Anna K Saylor 1, Robert F Dedrick 3, Michelle S Bourgeois 4, Matthew L Cohen 1 2 5 - This clinical-focus article describes new resources available to help clinicians administer and interpret Version 2.0 of the FEMAT when serving adults with cognitive-communication disorders.

Activity List(s)

Visual Schedule Cards

Goal Bank

  • Allie will attend 3 different activities for a minimum of 3 minutes with no challenging behaviors across 3 of 5 sessions. 0
  • Given visual timer, Orlando will end preferred task and transition to therapist selected task without negative behaviors 4 out of 5 trials across 3 sessions as measured by clinician observation and data collection to increase pragmatic and executive functioning skills. 2
  • When given scenarios of social conflicts, Hannah will demonstrate problem-solving skills by identifying the problem and generating 2 solutions appropriate to the situation, with min assistance, with 80% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to demonstrate examples of pragmatic/social / life skills such as dealing with conflict. 0


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