Speech Therapy -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Problem Solving
Problem Solving
The ability to identify the problem, regulate emotions, identify possible solutions, organize necessary steps to follow a solution track, and assess if solution track solved the problem initially identified.
Activity List(s)
Visual Schedule Cards
Goal Bank
- Given examples of social situations, Melva will problem-solve a variety of functional scenarios(e.g. to increase orientation and safety awareness) with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive therapy sessions. 4
- Charlsie will make an inference and/or provide an appropriate verbal response to a problem given a variety of situations (i.e., school, home, community) with 90% accuracy given minimal cues across 5 consecutive therapy sessions as measured by clinician observation to increase pragmatic and expressive language skills. 4
Problem Solving and Solutions Visual Support
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support with several boy/girl options for walking through solving a problem. Mini solution cards and big poster cards also available.
Social Story During COVID- Farm Animal Mask Story
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Social Story by Autism Little Learners with permission to share.
Time to Take a Shower Visual Support
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support to send home with parents to post in their bathrooms.
Unicorn Emotions
Breann Voytko
Who doesn't love unicorns? Practice labeling emotions with these fun unicorn faces
Mom/Dad At Work Visual Support
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support able to be edited for the time mom/dad returns from work.
Morning Checklist
Sara Lowczyk
I created this resource while working at The Autism Program. It is a morning checklist for getting ready in the morning.
Includes activity list1
The Friendship Test
Sara Lowczyk
A list of items to check if someone is your friend.
Includes activity list1
How to Make a Birthday Cake Social Story
Sara Lowczyk
A Social Story with pictures for making a birthday cake.
Social Story: I Will Keep My Hands to Myself
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Personalized social story No hitting/no pushing social story
Social Story Wearing a Mask to School COVID
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Social Story by Autism Little Learners with permission to share.
Cafeteria Social Story
Sara Lowczyk
A giant social story about eating in the cafeteria.
Includes activity list1
Flyers For Functional Language and Conversation Middle School and High School
Jessica Lenden-Holt
A variety of flyers to use for functional speech and language activities for older students.