Speech Therapy -> Receptive Language -> Adjectives
A word naming an attribute of a noun, such as sweet, red, or technical. Receptive task example includes picture/object ID from a field of 2+ (find BLUE, which is SMALL)
Activity List(s)
- Adjectives - simple 0
- Fill in the Correct Adjective 6
- "Here We Are" - Adjectives 6
- Thanksgiving Phrases with Multisyllabic Words 1
- Comparative and Superlative lists 2
- Add a word: Spooky Edition (nouns and adjectives) 1
- Christmas Sammy (Vocabulary List 2) 1
- Kiki and Robo Play Hide and Seek: Verbs and Adjectives 1
- Spring Multisyllabic Sentences 1
- Glimmer of Winter Vocabulary 2
- It's Fall Y'all Vocabulary 3
- Thanksgiving Sentence Strip - Vocabulary 1
- Summer Lover Vocabulary 2
- Spring Multisyllabic Phrases 1
- Halloween Cupcake Decorating 1
- Thanksgiving Sentence Strips, Questions, and Thought Starters 1
- Differences and Similarities: Halloween edition 1
Related Disorder(s)
- Receptive Language Disorder - A child with receptive language disorder has difficulties with understanding what is said to them. The symptoms vary between children but, generally, problems with language comprehension begin before the age of three years. Children need to understand spoken language before they can use language to express themselves.
Goal Bank
- Homer will demonstrate receptive understanding of age-appropriate vocabulary words, including a variety of nouns, verbs, and attributes ("big"), by pointing to the described item in a field of 2 in 3/5 opportunities across 5 sessions when given moderate multi-modality cues to increase understanding of vocabulary words. 2
- Micaela will receptively identify age-appropriate vocabulary items from a variety of semantic categories (i.e. letters, shapes, colors, nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) in a field of 4, with fading supports with 80% accuracy on 4 out of 4 consecutive therapy days as measured by clinician data and observation to increase receptive language skills. 3
- Fred will demonstrate receptive understanding of age-appropriate vocabulary words with fading prompts with 90% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions to increase receptive language skills. 4
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Includes activity list3
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Gingerbread Speech, Language, Reinforcer Activity
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