Speech Therapy -> Receptive Language -> Sequencing
The ability to order pictures or sentences into a logical pattern to tell events of a story.
Activity List(s)
- Reading Comprehension: Predictions for a Car Story 1
- Haunted House 1
- Halloween Scene 1
- Create a scene Bats, Mummies, and Monsters Prepositions 1
- Planetary mnemonics - "Here We Are" 5
- Kiki wants you to draw a Ladybug 1
- Narrative or Story Starters related to Christmas 0
- How Questions related to Christmas Holiday 0
- Halloween Party Scene 1
- Halloween Cupcake Decorating 1
- Following Directions: Valentine's Day - Kiki sends a letter to Robo 1
- Wh- questions: Jokes 1
- Procedure for making the Dirt Trifle 1
Related Disorder(s)
- Receptive Language Disorder - A child with receptive language disorder has difficulties with understanding what is said to them. The symptoms vary between children but, generally, problems with language comprehension begin before the age of three years. Children need to understand spoken language before they can use language to express themselves.
Goal Bank
- Eric will sequence 5 details for one story given minimal cueing across 3 of 5 sessions. 1
- Freeman will follow 2-step commands containing "before/after" with fading prompts with 90% accuracy to improve understanding of basic concepts across 3 sessions. 3
- Hector will follow two-step unrelated directions in a quiet listening environment in with 90% accuracy to improve receptive language skills in 3/4 opportunities across 4 therapy sessions when given minimal verbal and visual cues. 3
Before/After Activities
Sara Lowczyk
Some visual supports and activities to work on the temporal concept of before and after.
Washing Hands (real Pictures) Visual Support
Sara Lowczyk
A visual support to hang in bathrooms for washing hands.
Halloween Speech, Language and Reinforcer Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
21 pages of token rewards and create a scene Halloween activities. Can be used to as reward system for correct productions/responses. Can be used to target language goals (i.e. shapes, following di...
Includes activity list6
Birthday Party Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Contains 24 pages of multiple cakes, create your own cake activity, blank cake pieces, variety of candles, numbers, a large variety of balloons and presents, piƱata with blank candy pieces, pin the...
Read to Your Child : A Handout For Families With Tips On Reading to Their Child (English and Spanish Handouts) to Improve Literacy and Language
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Bilingual Resource, handout for families Read to Your Child : A handout for families with tips on reading to their child (English and Spanish handouts)
Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Story
Bailey Morgan, MA, CCC-SLP
A story about Kiki who is planning to make breakfast for the holidays. The story focuses on planning, making lists, requesting, problem solving, following a recipe, and more.
Includes activity list5
Playground Build a Scene , Speech and Language Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
20 pages of speech and language activities related to playground/recess. Token reinforcement board with robots also included.
Includes activity list4
Summer Beach Create a Scene, Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activities
Jessica Lenden-Holt
19 pages of summer beach scenes, summer/beach items, different sizes and colors of items, sea life, people, question cards, following directions cards, and more. Can be used as a reinforcer for cor...
Includes activity list3
Story Dice For Language Building and Writing Prompts, Wh- Question Dice
Jessica Lenden-Holt
Story dice are a fun way to elicit speech, language and writing samples and to target goals in therapy or in centers! Dice include engaging images for writing prompts and conversational starters. T...