Speech Therapy -> Receptive Language -> Vocabulary


Vocabulary is the building block of language. A child's vocabulary knowledge relates to their reading comprehension.

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Activity List(s)

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Related Disorder(s)

  • Receptive Language Disorder - A child with receptive language disorder has difficulties with understanding what is said to them. The symptoms vary between children but, generally, problems with language comprehension begin before the age of three years. Children need to understand spoken language before they can use language to express themselves.

Goal Bank

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  • Micaela will receptively identify age-appropriate vocabulary items from a variety of semantic categories (i.e. letters, shapes, colors, nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) in a field of 4, with fading supports with 80% accuracy on 4 out of 4 consecutive therapy days as measured by clinician data and observation to increase receptive language skills. 3
  • Seymour will complete receptive language tasks (i.e. color matching, object matching, object/photo match, turning pages in a book) to improve understanding of language with % accuracy in 3 out of 4 trials without tactile assistance. 3
  • Given minimal cues, Elroy will describe a pictured item or relate a story/event with at least 4 details and will name an object/event when provided with 4 details with 80% accuracy over five consecutive sessions as measured by data and observation to increase vocabulary. 3
  • Fred will demonstrate receptive understanding of age-appropriate vocabulary words with fading prompts with 90% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions to increase receptive language skills. 4
  • Given objects, pictures, or visual stimuli, Zita will receptively and expressively identify age-appropriate vocabulary words, actions, and concepts, and sort them into categories with 90% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions to increase receptive and expressive language skills. 3
  • Dortha will identify and/or name functions of familiar objects with fading prompts to improve vocabulary skills with 90% accuracy over 5 consecutive sessions. 4
  • Omar will demonstrate improved expressive language vocabulary in and out of the therapy setting by naming 6 items in a category, (for example sports, holidays, months, items that are round, large, cold, used to clean, at school, etc) with 90% accuracy in 3 out of 5 opportunities over 5 sessions, with fading prompts as measured by SLP observation and data. 3
  • Given decreasing cues, Bud will complete receptive language tasks (i.e. turn pages in a book, match colors/photos, follow commands with gesture cues) in 3 out of 4 trials across 4 therapy sessions to improve overall expressive and receptive language skills. 3
  • Isreal will demonstrate improved receptive language skills in the therapeutic setting by following directions when presented with picture cues or objects to show understanding of spatial concepts (on, in, above, below/under, beside/next to, in front, behind, between) with 90% accuracy in 3 out of 5 opportunities over 5 sessions in which the activity is presented. 3
  • Freeman will follow 2-step commands containing "before/after" with fading prompts with 90% accuracy to improve understanding of basic concepts across 3 sessions. 3
  • Trey will complete 4 out of 5 receptive language tasks without hand over hand assistance (i.e. attending to a book, completing a sound puzzle, sorting matching items, shape sorter, matching object to picture) across 4 consecutive sessions to demonstrate receptive language skills such as basic concepts, following directions, vocabulary, and/or categories. 3
  • Given an emotion in a picture, video, or story, Jovita will demonstrate comprehension of non-verbal cues by listing at least 4 cues such as, facial expression nuances, tone of voice changes, body stance nuances, and/or gestural cues that were present for that given emotion with 90% accuracy across 4 sessions to improve language and pragmatic comprehension. 3
  • Dannie will demonstrate understanding of simple analogies by pointing to pictures that complete the analogy in 3 out of 4 trials with 90% accuracy in 3 consecutive sessions to increase receptive and expressive language skills. 3
  • Demetria will receptively identify common objects, body parts, and pictures with fading prompts with 90% accuracy across 3 sessions to improve receptive language skills and vocabulary. 4
  • Wally will correctly identify items/pictures when given verbs, prepositions, and/or pronouns as descriptors with minimal cueing across 3 consecutive sessions with 90% accuracy to increase receptive and expressive language skills. 2
  • Hunter will receptively identify body parts on self and toys, using pointing and progressing to verbal labels with 80% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions to improve language comprehension. 2
  • Madaline will listen to 4-6 phoneme paragraphs, identify key components, answer "wh" questions requiring recall of details and understanding of concepts presented, and retell the narrative, retaining critical information with 90% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions as measured by SLP data and observation to increase narrative development and overall language skills. 3
  • Maxima will receptively identify and expressively use correct pronouns, prepositions, superlatives, and future, present and past tense verbs with fading prompts to create grammatically correct sentences with 90% accuracy across 3 sessions. 6
  • Homer will demonstrate receptive understanding of age-appropriate vocabulary words, including a variety of nouns, verbs, and attributes ("big"), by pointing to the described item in a field of 2 in 3/5 opportunities across 5 sessions when given moderate multi-modality cues to increase understanding of vocabulary words. 2
  • Given decreasing cues, Elisha will listen to a statement or question and identify if the grammatical patterns used in the phoneme are correct or incorrect and will provide the correct word to repair those utterances identified as ‘incorrect’ with 90% accuracy over 3 consecutive sessions to improve overall expressive and receptive language skills. 2


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