Kiki's Mood Match

Kiki's Mood Match image


Emotional Regulation Resource. Mindfulness Resource. This is a two page document that uses concepts from the Zones of Regulation to identify emotions within yourself and others. This could also double as a coloring game as well.

Strategies and techniques

The first page in this PDF is more about identifying facial expressions/emotions in others. The second PDF uses more concepts from the Zone of Regulation and focuses in on where one might experience different emotions within the body. These can be tailored to be more simple or more complex. The first page may be better suited for K-4th grade while the second page may be better suited for 4-7th graders. 


Ambiki License - © Ambitious Idea Labs (AL)

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Bethany Ayer avatar

Bethany Ayer almost 3 years ago





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Kiki's Mood Match image


Emotional Regulation Resource. Mindfulness Resource. This is a two page document that uses concepts from the Zones of Regulation to identify emotions within yourself and others. This could also double as a coloring game as well.

Strategies and techniques

The first page in this PDF is more about identifying facial expressions/emotions in others. The second PDF uses more concepts from the Zone of Regulation and focuses in on where one might experience different emotions within the body. These can be tailored to be more simple or more complex. The first page may be better suited for K-4th grade while the second page may be better suited for 4-7th graders. 


Ambiki License - © Ambitious Idea Labs (AL)

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