Think Fast

Directions: Before playing, decide on a time limit i.e. 10, 20, 30 seconds. Turn over a category card and player 1 has the designated amount of time to list something that fits within the category. If player 1 is able to list an item before time runs out, color in one of the squares under player 1. Take turns alternating between players, and the first player to get all 10 boxes colored in is the winner.
Strategies and techniques
Alternate: After the category card is turned over or read allow both players to try to be the first one to list an item in the category. Whoever states an item first gets to color in one of their boxes. Play until one player has all 10 boxes colored in.
Additional information
Resource details

Directions: Before playing, decide on a time limit i.e. 10, 20, 30 seconds. Turn over a category card and player 1 has the designated amount of time to list something that fits within the category. If player 1 is able to list an item before time runs out, color in one of the squares under player 1. Take turns alternating between players, and the first player to get all 10 boxes colored in is the winner.
Strategies and techniques
Alternate: After the category card is turned over or read allow both players to try to be the first one to list an item in the category. Whoever states an item first gets to color in one of their boxes. Play until one player has all 10 boxes colored in.
Focus areas
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Categories
- OT -> Executive Function -> Problem Solving
- OT -> Executive Function -> Processing Speed
- OT -> Executive Function -> Cognitive Flexibility
- OT -> Executive Function -> Attention
- OT -> Executive Function -> Task Completion
1 more focus area. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
How and Why to Teach Categories in Speech Therapy
Author(s): @allison_fors
Grade levels
Grades K - 12
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
Resource slides
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