
Activity lists

  • "Here We Are" - Adjectives

    Virginia Ingram

    Oliver Jeffers wrote the heartfelt book, Here We Are, for his newborn son. It is a tour through the land, sea, sky, and the human body. Jeffers is a master at capturing the joy in our differences o...


  • "Here We Are" - Solar System

    Virginia Ingram

    Oliver Jeffers wrote the heartfelt book, Here We Are, for his newborn son. It is a tour through the land, sea, sky, and the human body. Jeffers is a master at capturing the joy in our differences o...


  • It's Fall Y'all Vocabulary

    Virginia Ingram

    A collection of things associated with fall. This includes 70 vocabulary words representing Fall for all of those who love to say, "It's fall, y'all!"


  • Planetary mnemonics - "Here We Are"

    Virginia Ingram

    Mnemonics are helpful tools for remembering information. This list provides some examples of planetary mnemonics with a prompt to create your own. You can use this with the book, "Here We Are" by O...


  • Planets in Solar System

    Teodora Gajic Bakic

    A collection of proper nouns referring to the names of the planets in our solar system.


  • Questions about the Solar System - "Here We Are"

    Virginia Ingram

    A collection of fill in the blank questions about the solar system. Use the 'Solar System Facts' activity list as a companion.


  • Questions related to The Buck Full Moon in July Resources.

    Teodora Gajic Bakic

    Read the Full Buck Moon in July Resource and share your screen to show questions.


  • Solar System Facts - "Here We Are"

    Virginia Ingram

    A collection of facts about the solar system. Use the 'Questions about the Solar System' activity list as a companion.


  • Space /s/-Blends

    Alyssa Sadler

    A collection of /s/-blends in the initial word position related to space.


  • Space /sh, ch, j/ Word List

    Alyssa Sadler

    A collection of /sh, ch, j/ words in the initial and final word positions related to space.


  • Space /sh/ Word List

    Alyssa Sadler

    A collection of /sh/ words in the initial word position related to space.


  • Space /s/ Word List

    Alyssa Sadler

    A collection of /s/ words in the initial word position related to space.


  • Space /s, z/ Word List

    Alyssa Sadler

    A collection of /s, z/ words in the initial word position related to space.


  • Space /th/ Word List

    Alyssa Sadler

    A collection of /th/ words in the initial and final word position related to space.


  • Sturgeon Supermoon in August

    Teodora Gajic Bakic

    Collection of questions together with answers related to the Sturgeon Supermoon in August resource.

