Word groups

Phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to use in your sessions

One of Ambiki's scaffolding tools to help you lead your patients on the path from phoneme -> word -> phrase -> sentence -> paragraph.

2,687 word groups

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doughnuts, cinnamon rolls, pancakes Phrase Learn more
Do we have the ingredients to make butter? Sentence Learn more
Do you associate it with Thanksgiving? Sentence Learn more
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? Sentence Learn more
Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? I celebrate it with my family. We will have a turkey with all the trimmings. This year, we are going to my grandparents’ house. We will use three modes of transportation to get to Grandma’s house. Paragraph Learn more
Do you have a wassail recipe for carolers? Sentence Learn more
Do you have a yellow raincoat? Sentence Learn more
Do you knew the vernel equinox Phrase Learn more
Do you know the Christmas poem that says, now Dasher, now Dancer, now Prancer, and Vixen. On Comet, on Cupid, on Donner, and Blitzen? Paragraph Learn more
Do you know the song about the spinning dreidel? Sentence Learn more
Do you know the song, “Rudolph the rednosed reindeer?” Sentence Learn more
Do you know the song, “Rudolph the rednosed reindeer?” I always join in reindeer games. Do you? Paragraph Learn more
Do you know what the vernal equinox is? Sentence Learn more
Do you like amusement parks? Well I sure do. To amuse myself I went twice last spring. My most memorable moment was riding on the Caterpillar which is a gigantic rollercoaster high above the ground. When I saw how high the Caterpillar rose into the bright blue sky, I knew it was for me. After waiting in line for thirty minutes I made it to the front where the man measured my height to see if I was tall enough. I gave the man my coins asked for change and jumped on the cart. Tick tick tick the Caterpillar climbed slowly up the tracks. It went so high I could see the parking lot. Boy was I scared. I thought to myself there's no turning back now. People were so scared they screamed as we swiftly zoomed fast fast and faster along the tracks. As quickly as it started the Caterpillar came to a stop. Unfortunately, it was time to pack the car and drive home. That night I dreamt of the wild ride on the Caterpillar. Taking a trip to the amusement park and riding on the Caterpillar was my most memorable moment ever! Paragraph Learn more
Do you like to eat ____ for breakfast? Sentence Learn more
Do you like to play out in the snow? What kind of things do you like to do on a snow day? Paragraph Learn more
Do you need help carrying your books? Sentence Learn more
Do you prefer yellow daffodils or the ones with orange and white? Sentence Learn more
Do you recognize this book? Sentence Learn more
Do you usually eat ____ for breakfast? Sentence Learn more
dozen roses, jewelry, dinner date Phrase Learn more
Dracula, Edward Cullen, Blade Phrase Learn more
Dracula has smooth teeth. Sentence Learn more
Draw 4 circles around the 4-point star and 8 circles around the 8-point star. Sentence Learn more
Draw a big circle and say “Good morning” Phrase Learn more

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