Word groups

Phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to use in your sessions

One of Ambiki's scaffolding tools to help you lead your patients on the path from phoneme -> word -> phrase -> sentence -> paragraph.

2,687 word groups

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Fall and Summer Phrase Learn more
fall chrysanthemums Phrase Learn more
fall, October, 31 Phrase Learn more
family gathering Phrase Learn more
fast _____ Phrase Learn more
Fasten buttons, zip zippers, or tie shoes. Sentence Learn more
Father’s Day, Best Friends Day, Flag Day Phrase Learn more
feel extreme happiness or elation Phrase Learn more
feet on the floor or placed on stool for support Phrase Learn more
fire hydrant Phrase Learn more
First give me a turkey, then put a box of apples on top of the barn. Sentence Learn more
First give the boy a turkey leg, then give him mashed potatoes, and last give him the corn. Sentence Learn more
First give the milk to the girl then give the chocolate to the boy. Sentence Learn more
First put a circle around the birds in the sky then put an X on the fox. Sentence Learn more
First put the bacon on the table, then put the eggs on top of the bacon. Sentence Learn more
First put the butter on the slice of bread then put the cheese on the mashed potatoes. Sentence Learn more
First put the cookie under the boy, then put the milk above the girl, and last put the butter on the bread. Sentence Learn more
First put the scarecrow next to barn then put a turkey on the barn. Sentence Learn more
First put the small box of apples next to the barn, then put the turkey with colorful feathers on top of the barn, and last put the scarecrow next to the apples. Sentence Learn more
First put the turkey with the hat on top of the large box of apples then put the turkey without a hat on top of the small box of apples. Sentence Learn more
F is for fire hydrant to improve lower extremity strength. Sentence Learn more
F is for frog jumps to build up your lower extremity strength. Sentence Learn more
fishing rod Phrase Learn more
flap your arms Phrase Learn more
flap your arms while standing on one foot Phrase Learn more

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