Word groups

Phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to use in your sessions

One of Ambiki's scaffolding tools to help you lead your patients on the path from phoneme -> word -> phrase -> sentence -> paragraph.

2,687 word groups

Content Type
It says “woof woof,” is furry, and chews on bones. What is it? Paragraph Learn more
It’s cold as ice in here! Turn on the heat! Paragraph Learn more
It takes about 2 to 3 minutes to make the recipe. Sentence Learn more
It takes about a minute to gather your supplies and ingredients. Sentence Learn more
It was raining cats and dogs when I went to the store. Sentence Learn more
It was so rainy today, but I am grateful that April showers bring May flowers. Sentence Learn more
It will last about 5 minutes, but we recommend you consume it immediately. Ingredients that are kept separately will last 4 days to 1 week in the refrigerator. Paragraph Learn more
I’ve got my lucky penny! Sentence Learn more
I want bubbles. Sentence Learn more
i wan to die eggs Phrase Learn more
I want some macaroni and cheese, please. Sentence Learn more
I want that one Phrase Learn more
I want that piece of candy. Sentence Learn more
I want the ___. Sentence Learn more
I want the ball. Sentence Learn more
I want the turkey drumstick! Sentence Learn more
I want to dye eggs. Sentence Learn more
I want to eat. Sentence Learn more
I want to go trick or treating. Sentence Learn more
i want to go trick or treting Phrase Learn more
I want to show my appreciation for you. Sentence Learn more
I was busy as a bee all day today. Sentence Learn more
I was glad she came to talk to me first to break the ice. Sentence Learn more
I washed strawberries. Sentence Learn more
I was mad about what my sister said, but my dad told me to take it with a grain of salt. Sentence Learn more

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