Word groups

Phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to use in your sessions

One of Ambiki's scaffolding tools to help you lead your patients on the path from phoneme -> word -> phrase -> sentence -> paragraph.

2,687 word groups

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I was walking my dog outside when suddenly a red sleigh crashed into a tree.... Sentence Learn more
I went to-I went to-I went to the store today. Sentence Learn more
I will attempt to get the answer right. Sentence Learn more
I will change that. Sentence Learn more
I will mark on the paper. Sentence Learn more
i winded the snowball fight Phrase Learn more
I woke up bright and early on Christmas day to see what Santa brought. Sentence Learn more
I woke up on Christmas morning, went outside and saw a reindeer in my yard.... Sentence Learn more
I won the snowball fight! Sentence Learn more
I would like to read a book. Sentence Learn more
jingle bells Phrase Learn more
jug and wheelbarrow Phrase Learn more
juice box Phrase Learn more
jumping jacks Phrase Learn more
jumping to conclusions Phrase Learn more
jump on trampoline Phrase Learn more
June graduation Phrase Learn more
June holidays Phrase Learn more
Kara was almost asleep when she heard a buzz and looked over to see her screen light up. The notification said "You're Invited!". Kara opened the text and saw all the event details. This was going to be so fun! She loved celebrating with her friends, and was especially excited to celebrate her best friend. When she got home from school, Kara asked her mom if they could stop at the mall later to buy something to take to the party. She didn't want to show up empty handed! Her mom said they would have to wait until it wasn't a school day. A few days later, they rushed and got to the mall as soon as it opened so that they could beat the crowds. But when Kara got inside, she wasn't even sure which store she wanted to look in first. She ended up buying something she thought would go with a lot of the clothes Jamie liked. Plus, Jamie had only gotten her ears peirced the month before so she would be excited to add to her new collection. Paragraph Learn more
keep a bagel Phrase Learn more
keep in safety and protect from harm, loss, or destruction Phrase Learn more
Keeps: 3-4 days, in the refrigerator, once sprouted. Sentence Learn more
ketchup and mustard Phrase Learn more
key - keys Phrase Learn more
kicking a ball Phrase Learn more

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