Word groups

Phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to use in your sessions

One of Ambiki's scaffolding tools to help you lead your patients on the path from phoneme -> word -> phrase -> sentence -> paragraph.

2,687 word groups

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My family and friends were coming to visit for the holiday that occurs every November in the fall. My mom and dad spent all day cooking and cleaning. The food was going to be finished a little after everyone arrived. Everyone was arriving around dusk to celebrate together. Just as everyone arrived, there was heavy rain and lightning. Suddenly everything went dark in the house. When my mom checked the food in the oven, the food had not finished cooking. We got out all of our candles and flashlights then started playing card games as my mom called many restaurants to see if she could order food. We ended up sharing what we were thankful for as we ate pizza together. It was a holiday I will always remember! Paragraph Learn more
My family and I went to cut down our very first Christmas tree. We hiked for hours until we found the perfect tree. Then, we realized we didn't have a saw to cut it down.... Paragraph Learn more
My family celebrates with special traditions. Sentence Learn more
My family likes to eat lunch together. Sentence Learn more
My favorite candy is M&M's. Sentence Learn more
My favorite colors are blue and red. Sentence Learn more
My favorite winter animals are polar bears and penguins. Sentence Learn more
My favorite winter animals is polar bears and penguins Phrase Learn more
My favrite candy are M and Ms. Sentence Learn more
My fingers are as cold as ice. Sentence Learn more
My friend didn't talk to me today because I have trouble speaking. Sentence Learn more
My friend is wearing a purple shirt. Sentence Learn more
My grandma and I planted flowers, and we watered them every day. Sentence Learn more
My grandma makes potato latkes. Sentence Learn more
My little brother wanted a rare video game for Christmas. I finally found it at the store. I ran to grab it and another kid picked up the last one... Paragraph Learn more
My mom bought me new gloves, sweaters, and a winter hat. Sentence Learn more
my mom buyed me new gloves, sweaters, winter hat. Sentence Learn more
My mom got me a new toy. Sentence Learn more
My mom told me to count my blessings instead of complain. Sentence Learn more
My mom told my dad, “I have wrapped presents all night. I am calling it a night.” Sentence Learn more
My parents and I drove around to see the Christmas lights yesterday. Sentence Learn more
My parents and me drive around to see the christmas lights yesterday. Sentence Learn more
My sister ____. Sentence Learn more
Mystery vs Comedy Phrase Learn more
My teacher beat me at the game Phrase Learn more

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