Word groups

Phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to use in your sessions

One of Ambiki's scaffolding tools to help you lead your patients on the path from phoneme -> word -> phrase -> sentence -> paragraph.

2,687 word groups

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Wat is u thankful for Phrase Learn more
Wat is youre favorite breakast to ate? Sentence Learn more
Ways to say 'thank you' for Halloween candy Phrase Learn more
Ways you can get to a grocery store. Sentence Learn more
wear a costume Phrase Learn more
wear a turtleneck Phrase Learn more
We are cooking a holiday breakfast. Sentence Learn more
wear fashionable candy Phrase Learn more
wear fasionable tandy Phrase Learn more
We bought some Frankincense incense online. Sentence Learn more
We built the sand castle at the beach Phrase Learn more
We had 4 seasons in one day today. Sentence Learn more
We have a Butterball Turkey. Sentence Learn more
We hear a lot about Christmas in December, but some families celebrate Kwanzaa or Hanukkah instead. I have been to a Kwanzaa celebration. There were 7 kinara candles for the 7 Kwanzaa principles. Most celebrations have lighting traditions. For instance, a Hanukkah menorah has 9 candles. I know a few Hanukkah traditions. My grandma makes delicious potato latkes. Do you know the song about the spinning dreidel? I like to learn about different December traditions, but I hope I never see Krampus with his horns. Let’s hope Krampus isn’t real. Paragraph Learn more
weight to be carried or borne Phrase Learn more
we light up the lights yesterday. Sentence Learn more
We lit up the lights yesterday. Sentence Learn more
We need a chimney sweep. Sentence Learn more
We need more oxen. Sentence Learn more
We need to go grocery store shopping. Sentence Learn more
We need to hit the road to get to grandma's house on time for the Holidays. Sentence Learn more
We played in the snow all day and even made a snowman. The snowman’s nose was NOT a carrot, it was a piece of coal! The heater was broken so it was cold at the house! We couldn’t use the fire because we needed a chimney sweep. Thankfully, the red mittens kept my hands warm. I also had a blue toboggan. Do you think of a toboggan as a hat or a sled? Paragraph Learn more
We play outside when it’s not raining. Sentence Learn more
We pulled the winning number Phrase Learn more
Were there Peeps in your Easter basket? Sentence Learn more

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