Word groups

Phrases, sentences, and paragraphs to use in your sessions

One of Ambiki's scaffolding tools to help you lead your patients on the path from phoneme -> word -> phrase -> sentence -> paragraph.

2,687 word groups

Content Type
What was Rosa's plan to solve the problem? Sentence Learn more
What was the problem in this story? Sentence Learn more
What was the setting in this story? Sentence Learn more
What was the solution to the problem? Sentence Learn more
What were Robo and Kiki playing? Sentence Learn more
What-what-what did you do over the weekend? Sentence Learn more
What would happen if you ate all the candy in one night? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if it snowed 7 feet at your house? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if Santa got stuck in your chimney? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you didn't get any presents on Christmas? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you didn't get a present you liked? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you didn't have enough money to buy your mom/day the $100 gift they wanted? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you forgot to get someone a gift and they bought you one? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you found a reindeer in your yard? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you received a gift you loved? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if your electricity went out at your house? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if your sister/brother/friend broke your gingerbread house? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you saw a ghost? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you were Kiki? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you woke up and saw 50 presents under the tree and they were all for you (none for your brother/sister)? Sentence Learn more
What would you do if you woke up and saw 50 presents under the tree but they were all for your brother/sister? Sentence Learn more
What would you need if you wanted to dress up like a clown? Sentence Learn more
What would you need if you wanted to dress up like a mummy? Sentence Learn more
What would you need if you wanted to dress up like a queen/king? Sentence Learn more
What would you need if you wanted to dress up like a superhero? Sentence Learn more

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