What is a Treatment Report
Published: April 13, 2023
Last updated: February 04, 2025
A treatment report contains all the information about services provided for the patient during a given session. It includes the patient, date of service, location, treating therapist, and services provided during treatment. A treatment report is needed to generate insurance billing claims and Superbills. Treatment reports are automatically generated when the 'Billing' section of a visit note is completed.
To manually generate a treatment report, or to become familiar with the steps Ambiki has automated for you:
To manually generate a treatment report, or to become familiar with the steps Ambiki has automated for you:
- Go to Billing from the navigation.
Link to 'Billing'.
2. Click Go under Treatment reports.
3. Click the New treatment report button.
4. Enter the provider, date of service, patient, and location.
5. Click Add service to add the services provided. Enter billing codes, units, duration and optionally a description and language. You can add multiple services to one treatment report if there were multiple services provided in the session.
6. Click Save treatment report.
After you have created a treatment report, you can create an Invoice. Treatment reports are created automatically when completing the "Billing" portion of the visit note no matter what billing automation your organization has set.

Bailey Morgan