Break Card For Students With Autism/ Behavior Visual Support

"I need a break." card for requesting a break from activity. 2 options to choose from for classroom or therapy use.
Strategies and techniques
*Teach child to use prior to having a meltdown or engaging in an undesired behavior.
*Visual support for using language versus non-desired behavior.
*Allows child with little to no verbal skills the ability to request a break from activity.
*Teaches using emotion words versus undesired behaviors.
*Visual support for using language versus non-desired behavior.
*Allows child with little to no verbal skills the ability to request a break from activity.
*Teaches using emotion words versus undesired behaviors.
Additional information
Resource details

"I need a break." card for requesting a break from activity. 2 options to choose from for classroom or therapy use.
Strategies and techniques
*Teach child to use prior to having a meltdown or engaging in an undesired behavior.
*Visual support for using language versus non-desired behavior.
*Allows child with little to no verbal skills the ability to request a break from activity.
*Teaches using emotion words versus undesired behaviors.
*Visual support for using language versus non-desired behavior.
*Allows child with little to no verbal skills the ability to request a break from activity.
*Teaches using emotion words versus undesired behaviors.
Focus areas
- ST -> Executive Function -> Attention
- ST -> Executive Function -> Mental Flexibility
- ST -> Executive Function -> Self-control
- ST -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Being Prepared
- ST -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Following Directions
- ST -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> On-Task Behavior
1 more focus area. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
Examining Social Communication Effects of a Picture Communication Board In a Child With Autism [AAC Study]
Author(s): Lesser, J. & Ebert, K.
Grade levels
Grades PK - 12
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
Resource slides
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