Set Up A Private Pay Source/Stripe?

Set Up A Private Pay Source/Stripe? image

How Do I Set Up a Private Pay Source/Stripe?


To set up a private pay source, ensure you are logged in to Ambiki and on the main dashboard: 

  1. Click on ‘Billing’ in the left navigation. 


Link to 'Billing'.







2. Under the ‘Stripe account and settings’ section, click on ‘Go’. 


Clicking on 'Go' in the 'Stripe account and settings' section.


3. Click on ‘Connect with stripe’. 


Clicking on the button labelled 'Connect with Stripe'.







4. Follow the instructions to set up your Stripe account. 

After the above set-up is done, you can add credit cards to a patient profile. Please see our FAQ on how to do this. Once you have added a payment method to the patient's profile, you can create invoices to charge credit cards manually, or print/send invoices as ERAs.