Calendar, Weather, Appointment Cards, Invitations, Clock and More

Calendar, Weather, Appointment Cards, Invitations, Clock and More image


23 pages of language activities targeting weather, calendar, past/present/future, clock and telling time, invitations (Wh-questions), envelope addressing, appointment cards for recalling information/calendar skills, recalling details related to dates/events, days of the week, months of the year, and time words.

Strategies and techniques

Strategies included in PDF. Multiple activities included. 
Tips: laminate invitations, clock, envelope and use a dry erase marker for repeated practice.


No License (NL)

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Jessica Lenden-Holt avatar

Jessica Lenden-Holt almost 3 years ago





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Calendar, Weather, Appointment Cards, Invitations, Clock and More image


23 pages of language activities targeting weather, calendar, past/present/future, clock and telling time, invitations (Wh-questions), envelope addressing, appointment cards for recalling information/calendar skills, recalling details related to dates/events, days of the week, months of the year, and time words.

Strategies and techniques

Strategies included in PDF. Multiple activities included. 
Tips: laminate invitations, clock, envelope and use a dry erase marker for repeated practice.


No License (NL)

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