Back to School Word Hunt

A quick 1 page printout to get back in the 'back to school' mindset. Have your client write as many items as they can think of for each category.
Strategies and techniques
Pair with Activity Lists: Morning Routine or Back to School Vocabulary (among others) if you find you're getting stuck.
Additional information
Resource details

A quick 1 page printout to get back in the 'back to school' mindset. Have your client write as many items as they can think of for each category.
Strategies and techniques
Pair with Activity Lists: Morning Routine or Back to School Vocabulary (among others) if you find you're getting stuck.
Focus areas
- OT -> Executive Function -> Attention
- OT -> Executive Function -> Foresight
- OT -> Executive Function -> Hindsight
- OT -> Executive Function -> Organization
- OT -> Executive Function -> Planning
- OT -> Executive Function -> Prioritizing
- OT -> Executive Function -> Problem Solving
- OT -> Executive Function -> Task Completion
- OT -> Executive Function -> Working Memory
- OT -> Fine Motor Skills -> Pre-writing / Copying / Drawing
- OT -> Fine Motor Skills -> Writing
- OT -> Handwriting -> Letter Formation
- OT -> Handwriting -> Pencil Grasp
- OT -> Handwriting -> Spatial Awareness
- OT -> Play -> Imaginative
- ST -> Executive Function -> Attention
- ST -> Executive Function -> Working Memory
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Categories
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Describing
14 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Grade levels
Grades 1 - 5
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
Activity Lists
- (Mixed list) Back to School Vocabulary
- (Mixed list) My Morning Routine Activity List
- (Word list) Back to School /s/ Words
- (Word list) Back to School /sh/ Words
- (Word list) Back to School /s/-blends
- (Word list) Back to School /s, z/ Words
- (Word list) Back to School /th/ Word List
- (Word list) Bathroom /th/ Word List
Resource slides
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