Emotions With Lego/Block Faces, 'I Feel' Visuals

15 pages of emotion visuals. Includes: 12 Lego/block faces with different expressions. 3 pages of emotion words (written). "Today, I feel ____" visual. "I feel" visual. Lego/block reward pages for correct responses to Emotion questions. 1 page of emotion questions included (How do you feel when ___?)
Strategies and techniques
Use visuals to target emotions (identification, labeling). Use "Today, I feel ___" and "I feel ___" visuals for daily emotion check-ins (personal reflection of emotions) and for sentence strip/sentence practice. Lego/block reward pages as token reinforcer for correct productions. Example emotion questions/situational questions included. Use for visual support during narratives or social stories. Compare/contrast emotions. Use emotion words for synonym/antonym practice.
Additional information
Resource details

15 pages of emotion visuals. Includes: 12 Lego/block faces with different expressions. 3 pages of emotion words (written). "Today, I feel ____" visual. "I feel" visual. Lego/block reward pages for correct responses to Emotion questions. 1 page of emotion questions included (How do you feel when ___?)
Strategies and techniques
Use visuals to target emotions (identification, labeling). Use "Today, I feel ___" and "I feel ___" visuals for daily emotion check-ins (personal reflection of emotions) and for sentence strip/sentence practice. Lego/block reward pages as token reinforcer for correct productions. Example emotion questions/situational questions included. Use for visual support during narratives or social stories. Compare/contrast emotions. Use emotion words for synonym/antonym practice.
Focus areas
- ST -> Self-regulation -> Emotional Regulation
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Answering Questions
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Answering Questions
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Vocabulary
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Labeling
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Vocabulary
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Labeling
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Comparisons
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Differences
4 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Social–Emotional Learning Program On Psychosocial Adjustment and Neuropsychological Maturity In Kindergarten Children
Author(s): Moreno Gomez, and Cejudo -
Building Semantic Networks: The Impact of a Vocabulary Intervention On Preschoolers’ Depth of Word Knowledge
Author(s): Elizabeth B. Hadley, David K. Dickinson, Kathy ...
Grade levels
Grades PK - 12
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
Resource slides
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