Kiki's Spring Language Adventure: Describe It (Color Edition)
"Kiki's Spring Language Adventure: Describe It (Color Edition)" is a resource created to target use of adjectives, color names, modifiers, and overall use of descriptive language. In this resource, you will find 10 spring-themed images, carrier phrases, and a visual aid color wheel.
Strategies and techniques
Wait time
Wait time
Additional information
Resource details
"Kiki's Spring Language Adventure: Describe It (Color Edition)" is a resource created to target use of adjectives, color names, modifiers, and overall use of descriptive language. In this resource, you will find 10 spring-themed images, carrier phrases, and a visual aid color wheel.
Strategies and techniques
Wait time
Wait time
Focus areas
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Adjectives
- ST -> Executive Function -> Working Memory
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Categories
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Basic Concepts
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Labeling
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Syntax
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Utterance Expansion
- ST -> Intelligibility -> Pace and Breathing
3 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
Interactive Visual Supports For Children With Autism
Author(s): Gillian R. Hayes, Sen Hirano, Gabriela Marcu, M...
Resource slides
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