School Lunch Choice Pictures

School Lunch Choice Pictures (main dish) for choice making/picture exchange/labeling/vocabulary building.
Strategies and techniques
*Make lunch choices.
*Visual support to answer questions about what was for lunch.
*Vocabulary building
*Picture exchange
*To talk about likes/dislikes
*Place on calendar to talk about lunch yesterday/tomorrow/two days ago/last week...
*Add to sentence strip (I want _____)
*Visual support to answer questions about what was for lunch.
*Vocabulary building
*Picture exchange
*To talk about likes/dislikes
*Place on calendar to talk about lunch yesterday/tomorrow/two days ago/last week...
*Add to sentence strip (I want _____)
Additional information
Resource details

School Lunch Choice Pictures (main dish) for choice making/picture exchange/labeling/vocabulary building.
Strategies and techniques
*Make lunch choices.
*Visual support to answer questions about what was for lunch.
*Vocabulary building
*Picture exchange
*To talk about likes/dislikes
*Place on calendar to talk about lunch yesterday/tomorrow/two days ago/last week...
*Add to sentence strip (I want _____)
*Visual support to answer questions about what was for lunch.
*Vocabulary building
*Picture exchange
*To talk about likes/dislikes
*Place on calendar to talk about lunch yesterday/tomorrow/two days ago/last week...
*Add to sentence strip (I want _____)
Focus areas
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Answering Questions
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Labeling
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Making Choices
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Vocabulary
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Answering Questions
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Labeling
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Vocabulary
2 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
WH Question Comprehension and Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Author(s): Vicker, B. -
Building Semantic Networks: The Impact of a Vocabulary Intervention On Preschoolers’ Depth of Word Knowledge
Author(s): Elizabeth B. Hadley, David K. Dickinson, Kathy ...
Grade levels
Grades PK - 12
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
Resource slides
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