St. Patrick’s Day Preposition Coloring Book

St. Patrick’s Day Preposition Coloring Book image


Black and white preposition coloring book with coloring pages and vocabulary cards.

Strategies and techniques

Ideas for activity: 
--Have the children read all the words or some of the words while expressively identifying holiday items. 
-- Work on imitation of grammatically correct sentences for children who cannot read. Have them imitate with correct noun/verb agreement. 
-- Expressively identify vocabulary items at the end. 
-- You could cut out the vocabulary pictures at the end and use the pictures for the children to create their own sentences. 
--Following direction activity: cut out pictures at the end and give your own directions for comprehension check: put the shamrock under the rainbow, etc.


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Sara Lowczyk avatar

Sara Lowczyk over 3 years ago





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St. Patrick’s Day Preposition Coloring Book image


Black and white preposition coloring book with coloring pages and vocabulary cards.

Strategies and techniques

Ideas for activity: 
--Have the children read all the words or some of the words while expressively identifying holiday items. 
-- Work on imitation of grammatically correct sentences for children who cannot read. Have them imitate with correct noun/verb agreement. 
-- Expressively identify vocabulary items at the end. 
-- You could cut out the vocabulary pictures at the end and use the pictures for the children to create their own sentences. 
--Following direction activity: cut out pictures at the end and give your own directions for comprehension check: put the shamrock under the rainbow, etc.


No License (NL)

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