Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

8 activity lists

(Sentence list) Questions about Dragons

A collection of questions about dragons.

10 items | by Trenton Treadway

(Sentence list) Questions related to The Full Hunter’s Moon in October

Questions relating to bullet points on Full Hunter’s Moon activity list.

9 items | by Trenton Treadway

(Word list) List of 10 US migration birds moving South in the Fall

A collection of 10 birds that travel south during fall.

10 items | by Trenton Treadway

(Mixed list) Extreme Weather Conditions

A collection of extreme weather.

10 items | by Trenton Treadway

(Phrase list) Afternoon and Evening Routine Questions

A list of open ended questions for clients to process their afternoon and evening routines. This can be used as a sequencing exercise, for problem solving, categorizing, planning, or as a way to pr...

8 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Dress Weather Appropriate Word List

This is a word list which is best paired with Dress Weather Appropriate. Use this a word list by itself, or play a game, matching the pictures in the Resource with the words. Another way to do this...

12 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Questions on Dressing Weather Appropriate

A collection of questions regarding dressing appropriate for the weather. This is best used with the Dress Weather Appropriate Resource

10 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Phrase list) (Phrase list) What belongs in this Group? Back to School Edition

Name the members of the category. Start with eliciting 5 members; really test competence with 10, or all that can be named in a minute. You can also practice handwriting by having the client write ...

10 items | by Bethany Ayer

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