Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

50 activity lists

(Word list) Mummy description: word list 5 one word

List of 5 one-word describing a mummy

5 items | by Maya Gonzalez

(Word list) Monster Story: Word List

Word list of 10 words related to monster story resources (sasquatch and werewolf)

10 items | by Maya Gonzalez

(Word list) Werewolf Description: word list

10 words describing a werewolf

10 items | by Maya Gonzalez

(Word list) Sasquatch description: word list

Word list of 10 describing a Sasquatch

10 items | by Maya Gonzalez
9 items | by Meagan Delaney

(Mixed list) Monster Story: Werewolf, male

Short story including detailed descriptive setting, camping, and monster. See Sasquatch, female

3 items | by Maya Gonzalez

(Mixed list) Monster Story: Sasquatch, female

Short story including detailed setting description, camping, and monster. See Werewolf, male

3 items | by Maya Gonzalez

(Mixed list) When and Where Monster Appear: Mixed List

List of locations and times of where and when different monsters can be found. Halloween.

8 items | by Maya Gonzalez

(Word list) List of Monsters: One word

List of 10 one-word monsters related to Halloween

10 items | by Maya Gonzalez

(Word list) Adjectives about pumpkins

5 adjectives associated with the word 'pumpkin'

5 items | by Maya Gonzalez

(Mixed list) 1-2 continue

I will name two things from this poster, and then you continue by saying something that goes with it or reminds you of something. No rules. I will say September, October, and you can say either Cal...

11 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Mixed list) I Spy - It's Fall Y'all

4 groups of questions with the answer key to initiate the game with the client.

8 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Mixed list) It's Fall Y'all Vocabulary

A collection of things associated with fall. This includes 70 vocabulary words representing Fall for all of those who love to say, "It's fall, y'all!"

70 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Word list) Bats Unit /s/ Words

A collection of words to go with a bat unit with the /s/ sound in it.

11 items | by Sara Lowczyk

(Mixed list) Fronting: Halloween words and non-words

A list of Halloween-related /k/, /g/ and /sh/ words with /t/'s swapped for /k/'s, /g/'s swapped for /d/'s, and /sh/ swapped for /s/ to illustrate fronting.

98 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Backing: Halloween words and non-words

A list of Halloween-related /t/ and /d/ words with /k/'s swapped for /t/'s and /g/'s swapped for /d/'s to illustrate backing.

50 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Halloween /r/-blend words - initial position

A collection of Halloween words initial position.

12 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Word list) Halloween /f/ words - in all positions

A collection of Halloween words with /f/ in all positions.

25 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Halloween /ch/ words and phrases - in all positions

A collection of Halloween words, phrases, and short sentences with /ch/ in all positions.

25 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Halloween /w/ words and phrases - in all positions

A collection of Halloween words, phrases, and short sentences with /w/ in all positions.

27 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Name the category: Halloween Edition

Look at the 3 words and determine what they have in common. Some are really tricky so you may need to use your investigative skills to find the answer.

12 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Add an action word: Halloween Edition

Add a verb to the phrase to complete the sentence.

10 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) What belongs in this group? Halloween Edition

Name the members of the category. Start with eliciting 5 members; really test competence with 10 or all that can be named in a minute.

10 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Phrase list) Add a word: Spooky Edition (nouns and adjectives)

Adjectives!!! Add a leading Halloween word (adjective) to nouns or follow the Halloween adjective with a non-spooky word (noun) of your own.

20 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Phrase list) Differences and Similarities: Halloween edition

Describe the difference between two things, then describe the similarities.

10 items | by Virginia Ingram

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