Activity Lists
Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions
Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.
51 activity lists
(Mixed list) Seasonal Clothing Items Word List
17 Words of Clothing Items related to different seasons
(Word list) Symbols that represent summer outdoor activities
Collection of summer outdoor activities
(Mixed list) 10 4th of July items
Collection of 4th of July items that go along with Summer Lover Resource
(Mixed list) 20 beach items
Collection of beach items, compare it with Summer Lover resource, and see how many you will find.
(Mixed list) 10 adjectives to describe watermelon
Collection of adjectives used to describe a watermelon.
(Phrase list) List of Common Metaphors
A list of common metaphors for students ages 9-13.
(Word list) 10 adjectives about something nice
A collection of 10 nice words
(Sentence list) 5 complimenting phrases to a friend in elementary school for just being our friend starting with I love that you..
A collection of complimenting phrases to our friends
(Paragraph list) Give a compliment about the pasta, cheese, and basil meal someone prepared for you
A collection of compliments for the food you just ate to a person who prepared it.
(Sentence list) 5 beautiful and descriptive phrases about the importance of the Sun for 12 years old
A collection of "Say Something Nice" phrases about the Sun
(Word list) Nature Hiking Sounds with Images.
A collection of sound verbs related to the hiking experience.
(Sentence list) 5 phrases starting with "I need you to..." to let the kid know you don't like when he is splashing you and taking away your inflatable at the pool
5 ways to let someone know you don't like splashing and misbehaving at the pool.
(Sentence list) 6 Cool ideas to start conversation with another teens at the community pool
Simple and cool social phrases for teens to use at the community pool during summer.
(Mixed list) 8 Social phrases when you want to start talking to other kids at the community pool
Easy social phrases to start talking to other kids at the pool
(Mixed list) Hiking items for 9 years old
A collection of 10 things needed for hiking.
(Sentence list) What questions related to summer
A list of "what" questions related to summer.
(Mixed list) Summer vocabulary words and definitions
A list of summer-related words and definitions pairs. If 'playing' this list you will see the word first and the definition second (definitions preceded with a -).
(Mixed list) Summer Lover Vocabulary
A collection of things associated with summer. This includes 70 vocabulary words representing Summer for all Summer Lovers.
(Word list) 10 summer vocabulary words
A collection of 10 summer vocabulary words
(Phrase list) Move as the Rainbow Scavenger Hunt
This activity is meant to illicit gross motor movements. Use the list to encourage the activity shown. If there are no things in the session area that have the corresponding colors, the therapist ...
(Mixed list) Summer /l/-blend words list
A collection of summer words with /l/-blends.
(Mixed list) Summer /r/ words – initial position
A collection of summer words with /r/ in the initial position.
(Mixed list) Summer words for gliding practice
A collection of summer words for gliding practice
(Mixed list) Summer words for practice with final consonant deletion
A collection of summer words for practice with final consonant deletion
Browse activity lists
Focus area
Articulation (581)
- Accent Modification (26)
- Additions (181)
- Distortions (191)
- Omissions (191)
- Substitutions (192)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (25)
- Aided Communication (10)
- Unaided Communication (7)
Execution and Speech Motor Planning (40)
- Complexity (23)
- Initiation (3)
- Mean Length of Utterance (MLU) (15)
- Response Time (7)
Executive Function (31)
- Attention (17)
- Mental Flexibility (7)
- Self-control (2)
- Working Memory (15)
Expressive Language (407)
- Abstract / Figurative Language / Idioms (19)
- Adjectives (25)
- Analogies (4)
- Answering Questions (88)
- Asking Questions (51)
- Attributes (27)
- Basic Concepts (21)
- Categories (62)
- Cause and Effect (9)
- Commenting (37)
- Communicative Intent (20)
- Comparisons (42)
- Describing (63)
- Differences (47)
- Function (14)
- Gestures, Signs, and Facial Cues (1)
- Grammar (25)
- Labeling (37)
- Making Choices (5)
- Morphology (5)
- Multiple Meanings (8)
- Narrative Development (38)
- Nouns (33)
- Play Skills (8)
- Prepositions (9)
- Pronouns (18)
- Reading (34)
- Requesting (3)
- Semantics (13)
- Sequencing (13)
- Similarities (42)
- Syntax (12)
- Utterance Expansion (24)
- Verbs (27)
- Vocabulary (160)
- Vocalizations (2)
- Fluency (11)
Hearing (38)
- Auditory Rehabilitation (22)
- Auditory Skills (35)
- Self-advocacy (1)
Intelligibility (45)
- Pace and Breathing (3)
- Prosody Errors (10)
- Volume and Resonance (9)
Phonology (217)
- Alveolarization (1)
- Assimilation (2)
- Backing (16)
- Cluster Reduction (20)
- Deaffrication (12)
- Denasalization (1)
- Depalatalization (5)
- Final Consonant Deletion (12)
- Final Consonant Devoicing (4)
- Fronting (25)
- Gliding (34)
- Labialization (1)
- Phonological Awareness (9)
- Prevocalic Voicing (1)
- Stopping (28)
- Syllable Shapes / Consonant-Vowel Combinations (27)
- Vowelization (20)
- Weak Syllable Deletion (7)
Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills (46)
- Being Prepared (1)
- Conversation (18)
- Dealing with Conflict (6)
- Dealing with Feelings (7)
- Following Directions (15)
- Friendship-Making (4)
- Gestures, Signs, and Facial Cues (1)
- Greetings and Personal Information (5)
- On-Task Behavior (3)
- Problem Solving (3)
- Prosody Errors (1)
Receptive Language (303)
- Abstract / Figurative Language / Idioms (17)
- Adjectives (17)
- Analogies (2)
- Answering Questions (49)
- Associations (18)
- Attributes (19)
- Auditory Processing (25)
- Auditory Response (22)
- Basic Concepts (4)
- Categories (42)
- Cause and Effect (9)
- Differences (33)
- Following Directions (29)
- Grammar (16)
- Inferences (21)
- Labeling (21)
- Morphology (3)
- Multiple Meanings (8)
- Nouns (18)
- Play Skills (4)
- Prepositions (11)
- Pronouns (17)
- Reading (16)
- Semantics (12)
- Sequencing (13)
- Similarities (34)
- Verbs (17)
- Vocabulary (135)
- Self-regulation (5)
Voice (10)
- Transgender Voice and Communication (6)
- Vocal Function (2)
- Vocal Quality (2)
- Vocal Stamina (1)
Activities of Daily Living / Self-care (27)
- Bathing and Showering (1)
- Dressing (4)
- Feeding / Utensil Management (3)
- Personal Hygiene (6)
- Sleep (2)
- Toileting (1)
Attention (16)
- Alternating Attention (1)
- Divided Attention (1)
- Selective Attention (2)
- Sustained Attention (6)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (7)
- Aided Language Modeling (5)
- Motor Planning (3)
- Self-advocacy (1)
Balance (6)
- Sitting (1)
- Therapeutic Exercise (4)
- Bilateral Coordination (12)
Executive Function (58)
- Attention (13)
- Cognitive Flexibility (8)
- Emotional Regulation (5)
- Foresight (10)
- Hindsight (4)
- Impulse Control (1)
- Organization (15)
- Persistence (1)
- Planning (13)
- Prioritizing (5)
- Problem Solving (13)
- Processing Speed (3)
- Self-Monitoring (4)
- Self-Talk (4)
- Task Completion (6)
- Task Initiation (4)
- Working Memory (3)
Fine Motor Skills (29)
- Drawing (8)
- Dressing Fasteners (1)
- Manipulation Skills (2)
- Pincer Grasp (5)
- Pre-writing / Copying / Drawing (12)
- Scissor Skills (2)
- Self-care (4)
- Stacking Blocks (1)
- Stringing Beads (1)
- Typing (4)
- Writing (9)
Gross Motor Skills (23)
- Crossing Midline (4)
- Motor Planning (9)
- Movement Changes (7)
- Sequencing (9)
Handwriting (18)
- Letter Formation (6)
- Line Awareness (5)
- Pencil Grasp (7)
- Scribbling (1)
- Spatial Awareness (8)
- Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (13)
- Neuromuscular Retraining (5)
Play (22)
- Imaginative (17)
- Parallel (1)
Praxis (8)
- Execution (3)
- Ideation (1)
- Motor Planning (2)
Self-regulation (7)
- Coping Skills (4)
- Deep Breathing (1)
- Mindfulness (2)
Sensory (26)
- Auditory (3)
- Olfactory (2)
- Proprioception (4)
- Tactile (4)
- Visual (3)
- Visual Motor Skills (33)
Balance (18)
- Kneeling (1)
- Protective Response Safety (1)
- Reaction Strategy (1)
- Single Limb Stance (5)
- Sitting (7)
- Standing (13)
- Bilateral Coordination (16)
Gait (8)
- Mechanics (1)
- Patterns (1)
- Retraining Exercises (2)
Gross Motor Skills (28)
- Ambulation (7)
- Ball Skills (5)
- Transitions (4)
Neuromuscular Retraining (31)
- Body Awareness (17)
- Coordination (19)
- Crossing Midline (14)
- Proprioception (7)
- Weight Bearing (11)
Nutrition (3)
- Amount / Intake (2)
- Eating Patterns (3)
- Weight Management (2)
- Pain (1)
Praxis (16)
- Coordination (11)
- Execution (5)
- Ideation (4)
- Motor Planning (10)
Range of Motion (10)
- Active (7)
Strength (34)
- Core (21)
- Endurance (12)
- Lower Extremity (16)
- Mobility (8)
- Sitting (5)
- Stability / Balance (11)
- Symmetry (6)
- Total Body / Gross / Overall (11)
- Upper Extremity (21)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (1)
- Behavior (15)
Fine Motor Skills (3)
- Utensil Use (3)
Nutrition (8)
- Amount / Intake (4)
- Expanding Variety (7)
- Malnutrition (1)
Oral Motor Skills (1)
- Chewing (1)
- Sensory (11)
- Swallowing (2)
Speech Therapy (1,027)
Occupational Therapy (135)
Physical Therapy (56)
Feeding Therapy (18)
Articulation (581)
User (Top 10)
- Alyssa Sadler (207)
- Virginia Ingram (194)
- Gabriella Cousino (115)
- Teodora Gajic Bakic (58)
- Sara Johnston (52)
- Kevin Dias (40)
- Maya Gonzalez (30)
- Janette Hreish (27)
- Ashley Tyler (26)
- Ian Quillen (26)
Blend (at least 10 occurrences)
Phoneme (at least 10 occurrences)
- short a (æ) (48)
- short e (ɛ) (90)
- short i (ɪ) (211)
- short o (ɒ) (27)
- short u (ʌ) (234)
- short oo (ʊ) (1)
- long a (e) (25)
- long e (i) (50)
- long i (aɪ) (22)
- long o (oʊ) (9)
- long oo (uː) (9)
- ur (ɜː) (34)
- ch (tʃ) (7)
- sh (ʃ) (17)
- th voiceless (θ) (7)
- th voiced (ð) (15)
- ng (ŋ) (20)
Short Vowel
Long Vowel
R-Controlled Vowel
Dolch sight word group (at least 5 occurrences)
- Pre-Kindergarten (162)
- Kindergarten (143)
- 1st grade (65)
- 2nd grade (20)
- 3rd grade (2)
- Nouns (71)
- Community (1)
- Transportation (3)
- Friendship (25)
- Occupations (15)
- Playground (1)
- Crayons (1)
- School Supplies (1)
- Back to School (60)
- Birthday (27)
- Mother's Day (1)
- Earth Day (33)
- Easter (42)
- Valentine's Day (3)
- Christmas Day (1)
- Winter Solstice (2)
- Halloween (All Hallows' Eve) (50)
- Body Parts (21)
- Basketball (12)
- Football (8)
- Soccer (2)
- Sports (28)
- Baseball (11)
- Household Items (10)
- Bathroom (13)
- Food (31)
- Bedtime (15)
- Friendship (25)
- Hygiene (17)
- Zoo Animals (4)
- Desert Animals (3)
- Bugs (5)
- Forest Animals (6)
- Pets (13)
- Farm Animals (22)
- Safari Animals (4)
- Animals (59)
- Dinosaur (2)
- Body Parts (21)
- Christmas (63)
- Thanksgiving (74)
- Mother's Day (1)
- Earth Day (33)
- Easter (42)
- Valentine's Day (3)
- Halloween (All Hallows' Eve) (50)
- Solar System (6)
- Space (15)
- Playground (1)
- Beach (11)
- Oceans (3)
- Back to School (60)
Basic Concepts (36)
Community (44)
School Life (63)
Celebrations (159)
My Body (21)
Sports (61)
Daily Life (111)
Animals (118)
Seasonal (370)
Body Parts (21)
Holidays (266)
Space (21)
Places (75)
List type
- Mixed list (264)
- Word list (633)
- Sentence list (144)
- Paragraph list (26)
- Phrase list (75)
- Minimal pair list (5)