Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

1,027 activity lists

(Sentence list) All About Me Activity List

A collection of Wh- Questions related to back to school, getting to know new people. All about me basic info: age, hobbies, food, music, friend, TV shows, etc. Four versions for various ages and in...

12 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Word list) Beach /s/ Word List

A collection of /s/ words in the initial word position related to the Beach.

13 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Beach /s, z/ Word List

A collection of /s, z/ words in the initial word position related to the Beach.

13 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Beach /s/-blends

A collection of /s/-blends in the initial word position related to the Beach.

13 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Beach /sh/ Word List

A collection of /sh/ words in the initial word position related to the Beach.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Beach /sh, ch, j/ Word List

A collection of /sh, ch, j/ words in the initial word position related to the Beach.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Beach /th/ Word List

A collection of /th/ words in the initial, medial and final word position related to the Beach.

16 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Back to school words with /r/-blend.

A collection of back to school words with /r/-blend.

12 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Mixed list) Back to school words with /r/ initial.

A collection of back to school withs with /r/ initial.

11 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Mixed list) Back to school words with gliding practice

A collection of back to school withs with gliding practice

11 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Mixed list) Back to school words with final consonant deletion practice

A collection of back to school withs with final consonant deletion practice.

11 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Mixed list) Back to school /l/-blend words

A collection of back to school with /l/-blend words.

13 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Mixed list) Back to school /l/ words – initial position

A collection of back to school words with /l/ in the initial position.

11 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Word list) Farm Animals

The list of farm animals in Kiki's Farm Songbook.

8 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Learning to Listen Sounds

Match these sounds with the Learning to Listen cards.

25 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Donkey Vocabulary

Vocabulary words associated with donkeys.

12 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Word list) Cat Vocabulary

Vocabulary words associated with cats.

13 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Word list) Pig Vocabulary

Vocabulary words associated with pigs.

10 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Word list) Duck Vocabulary

Vocabulary words associated with ducks.

8 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Hen Vocabulary

Vocabulary words associated with hens.

9 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Sheep Vocabulary

Vocabulary words associated with sheep.

9 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Dog Vocabulary

Vocabulary words associated with dogs.

10 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Word list) Cow Vocabulary

Vocabulary words associated with cows.

11 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Donkey Rhyming Words

Words that rhyme with donkey.

9 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Word list) Cat Rhyming Words

Words that rhyme with cat.

22 items | by Virginia Ingram

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