Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

162 activity lists

5 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Mixed list) Preschool Vocabualry Word List

A list of common first words children should use.

101 items | by Shaylee Garrett

(Mixed list) 10th Grade Vocabulary words and definitions

A list of vocabulary words and the definitions.

78 items | by Shaylee Garrett

(Mixed list) Rhyming phrases for numbers from 1 to 20

Tracing numbers and singing a song

16 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Sentence list) Sports Activity List

A collection of sentences related to sports. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

9 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) Occupations Activity List

A collection of sentences related to occupations. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) Bathroom Activity List

A collection of sentences related to the bathroom. Used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Phrase list) Comparative and Superlative lists

A list of adjectives, comparatives, and superlatives.

125 items | by Shaylee Garrett

(Sentence list) 1st Grade Vocabulary Word List in Sentences

These are sentences containing functional vocabulary words for 1st graders.

10 items | by Payton Guthrie

(Sentence list) Medial /f/ in sentences.

Medial /f/ in sentences.

18 items | by Chelsea Reed

(Mixed list) Proprioception Break!

A quick proprioceptive break/reset

5 items | by Bethany Ayer
19 items | by Chelsea Reed

(Mixed list) Reflexive pronouns Short Story Practice

Practice finding the reflexive pronouns within this short story. Then practice by creating your own story with reflexive pronouns!

4 items | by Alexa Perry
17 items | by Chelsea Reed

(Sentence list) Quick Brain Break!

A list of exercises that can be used as a warm up activity, transition activity, or simply to reenergize your session.

9 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Paragraph list) How should I act if I lose a game

Some pointers for losing a game. This could be used as a social story.

4 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) How do I talk to a friend who made me cry?

Tips for having a conversation with a friend who made you cry.

4 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) What do you say when calling 911?

If you need to call 911 for an emergency, you need to be prepared with what you will say. This can be used as a social story.

13 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) My Morning Routine Sentence Prompts...

A collection of leading sentences to encourage client engagement in planning, memory, problem solving, sequencing, organization, planning, prioritizing, foresight, and hindsight. This can also be u...

8 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Stuttering self-report rating scales

Scaling is a useful way to measure how talking is going for a client who stutters. It's also a way to measure progress over the course of therapy, which is helpful for goal-setting and measuring da...

12 items | by Ian Quillen

(Mixed list) Stuttering, Regular Disfluencies, and Tricks/Avoidances

A list of examples of stutter-like disfluencies, typical disfluencies, and possible tricks/avoidance behaviors that are used to get around moments of stuttering (these can include secondary behavio...

25 items | by Ian Quillen

(Mixed list) Back to School Idioms

10 back to school idioms are provided. Each idiom is then also used in a sentence. Use this activity list to teach idioms as well as to test knowledge of idioms after teaching.

20 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Procedure for making the Dirt Trifle

Use this procedure to go along with the Dirt Trifle Recipe and Photostory. Eating dirt for lunch is a great joke for April Fool's Day!

7 items | by Virginia Ingram

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