Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

144 activity lists

5 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Sentence list) Fun questions and answers about harvesting

Collection of questions together with answers for students to demonstrate understanding.

10 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Sentence list) 5 positive comments about listening carefully

Use examples to build ideas for a positive commenting routine in class, at home, and during playtime.

5 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Sentence list) Detective Eye

Let's play a game called "Find it".

9 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Sentence list) Questions related to The Buck Full Moon in July Resources.

Read the Full Buck Moon in July Resource and share your screen to show questions.

12 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Sentence list) 5 tips to control the pencil while drawing line in a maze.

Encourage the child as much as possible. Eye-hand control, visual processing, hand muscles, motor planning, and motor memory all must come together for a child to succeed. Take each perspective in...

5 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Sentence list) How do I walk like I am on a tightrope?

Steps to teach someone to walk as if they are walking on a tightrope.

5 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) How do I fly like an airplane?

Steps to teach someone how to fly their body like an airplane

7 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Simple Mealtime Sentences

Simple mealtime sentences to use with the Mealtime AAC board. Students who have mastered these sentences may be challenged with the Mealtime Activity List.

13 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) ONE DICE questions (1st page)

Use it with the first page of the resource

6 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Sentence list) Would you rather?

A list of two-choice activities in the form of "would you rather?" questions.

20 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Basic yes/no questions for school age students

A list of 27 yes/no questions you can use with your students. Ask the questions to your students to get clear-cut answers or have them ask you the questions.

27 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Phrases to use when playing a game

Use these words to expand language when playing a game or doing cause/effect activities.

11 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Requesting Actions with Cause and Effect Toys

Use this list to for language activities related to simple cause-and-effect toys such as things that light up or move like wind-up cars or bubbles.

5 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Future Tense Verbs in Sentences

A list of sentences containing future tense verbs in sentences.

26 items | by Shaylee Garrett

(Sentence list) Noun/Verb Agreement Sentence List

A list of various sentences featuring correct noun/verb agreement.

16 items | by Victoria Odell

(Sentence list) Sports Activity List

A collection of sentences related to sports. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

9 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) Beach Activity List

A collection of sentences related to the beach. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) Friendship Activity List

A collection of sentences related to friendship. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) Hygiene and Body Parts Activity List

A collection of sentences related to hygiene and body parts. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

11 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) Occupations Activity List

A collection of sentences related to occupations. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) Mealtime Activity List

A collection of sentences related to mealtime. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) Possessive Noun Sentence List

A list of various possessive nouns at the sentence level.

20 items | by Victoria Odell

(Sentence list) Morning Routine Activity List

A collection of sentences related to morning routines. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

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