Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

633 activity lists

(Word list) /j/ words -Final Position

Final Position /j/ Word List

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) /j/ words - medial position

Medial Position /j/ word list

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) /j/ words - initial position

Initial Position /j/ word List

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) /h/ Words-Medial Positions

Medial Position /h/ Word List

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) /h/ Words-Initial Positions

Initial Position /h/ Word List

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) /zh/ Words -final position

Final Position /zh/ Word List

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) /zh/ Words - medial position

Medial Position /zh/ Word List

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) Voiced /th/ - Medial Position

Medial Positions Voiced/th/

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) Voiced /th/ - Initial Positions

Initial Position Voiced /th/ Word List

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) Voiceless /th/ - Final Positions

Final Positions Voiceless /Th/ Word List

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) /h/ words initial position

Initial positions /h/ word list

10 items | by Ashley Tyler

(Word list) 10 adjectives for ice cream

How would you describe the ice cream without saying ice cream?

10 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Word list) Draw rainbow colors, and stay inside the path

Show pencil control. The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Now we will use these colors to make a beautiful rainbow. Challenge is DO NOT TO CROSS GRAY ...

7 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Word list) Football /th/ Word List

A collection of /th/ words in the IWP related to football.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Football /s/-blends

A collection of /s/-blends in the IWP related to football.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Football /sh/ Word List

A collection of /sh/ words in the IWP related to football.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Football /s, z/ Word List

A collection of /s, z/ word in the IWP related to football.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Football /s/ Words

A collection of /s/ words in the IWP related to football.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Holiday /th/ Word List

A collection of /th/ words in the IWP related to holidays.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Holiday /s/-blends

A collection of /s/-blends in the IWP related to holidays.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Holiday /sh/ Word List

A collection of /sh/ words in the IWP related to holidays.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) Holiday /s/ Word List

A collection of /s/ words in the IWP related to holidays.

10 items | by Alyssa Sadler

(Word list) /or/ word list: all word positions

A list of /or/ words that have the target sound in all word positions.

28 items | by Victoria Odell

(Word list) Symbols that represent summer outdoor activities

Collection of summer outdoor activities

14 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

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