Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

58 activity lists

5 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Sentence list) Steps to drinking juice.

Steps to drinking juice from a cup.

9 items | by Kim Luster

(Sentence list) Steps to brush your teeth.

Steps to brush your teeth.

5 items | by Kim Luster

(Mixed list) Phone call to the library to see if a book is in

Roleplay a phone call to the library to see if they have the book you want to check out.

10 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Phone call to the doctor's office to make an appointment

Roleplay a phone call to the doctor's office to make an appointment for tomorrow.

13 items | by Virginia Ingram
5 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Breakfast food and drink items

A collection of words about breakfast food and drink items.

19 items | by Kim Luster

(Word list) 5 sets of 3 words with the same letter in the initial position.

A collection of 5 sets of 3 nouns. Each set contains words with the same initial letter.

15 items | by Kim Luster

(Sentence list) Drawing, following directions with colors and shapes.

A collection of sentences to draw shapes in green, red, blue, yellow around items. This works with PDF Resource Rhyme-Read-Match-Draw slide 1.

12 items | by Kim Luster

(Sentence list) My Morning Routine Sentence Prompts...

A collection of leading sentences to encourage client engagement in planning, memory, problem solving, sequencing, organization, planning, prioritizing, foresight, and hindsight. This can also be u...

8 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Phrase list) Afternoon and Evening Routine Questions

A list of open ended questions for clients to process their afternoon and evening routines. This can be used as a sequencing exercise, for problem solving, categorizing, planning, or as a way to pr...

8 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Dress Weather Appropriate Word List

This is a word list which is best paired with Dress Weather Appropriate. Use this a word list by itself, or play a game, matching the pictures in the Resource with the words. Another way to do this...

12 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Questions on Dressing Weather Appropriate

A collection of questions regarding dressing appropriate for the weather. This is best used with the Dress Weather Appropriate Resource

10 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Afternoon and Evening Routine Word List

A word list that can be used alongside the Afternoon and Evening Routine Resource. To use as an Occupational Therapy exercise, use this word list as a game on Ambiki and have the client match the ...

8 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Personal Hygiene Item Questions

A collection of questions that can be used to assist clients in sequencing, categorizing, and organizing personal hygiene items used in activities of daily living.

10 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Sentence list) Get Attention and Body Listening

Open ended questions to ask your clients regarding situational awareness, listening, feelings, visceral responses, and being heard.

8 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) My Morning Routine Activity List

Activities of daily living: waking up; showering, teeth brushing, dressing, making the bed, eating breakfast, preparing lunch. You can use this activity list as a sequencing exercise by shuffling...

9 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Phrase list) (Phrase list) What belongs in this Group? Back to School Edition

Name the members of the category. Start with eliciting 5 members; really test competence with 10, or all that can be named in a minute. You can also practice handwriting by having the client write ...

10 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Phrase list) Name the Category- Back to School Edition

Look at the 3 words and determine what they have in common. Some might be tricky, use your investigative skills to find the answer!

10 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Phrase list) Compare and Contrast-Back to School Edition

10 pairs of items to be used during a comparing and contrasting activity focusing around school. Pair with the Compare/Contrast Resource

10 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Word list) Weather Vocabulary List

How is the weather today? It is rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, etc. Practice pronunciation, spelling, and writing of various weather conditions. Pair this with the Weather Vocabulary and Writing Reso...

6 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Sentence list) All About Me Activity List

A collection of Wh- Questions related to back to school, getting to know new people. All about me basic info: age, hobbies, food, music, friend, TV shows, etc. Four versions for various ages and in...

12 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Draw a Pig with Kiki

Use the following steps to help Kiki draw a pig on a whiteboard or paper. You can also play a game right here on Ambiki and use this as a sequencing exercise. This is even better when paired with t...

6 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Sentence list) Sense of Hearing/20 min Easter Egg Decoration Resource

Together with the Resource or as a separate short activity about the sounds animal make rooster, duck, frog, and a bee. Questions/Answers

4 items | by Teodora Gajic Bakic

(Mixed list) Procedure for making the Dirt Trifle

Use this procedure to go along with the Dirt Trifle Recipe and Photostory. Eating dirt for lunch is a great joke for April Fool's Day!

7 items | by Virginia Ingram

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