Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

31 activity lists

(Mixed list) Procedure for Growing Alfalfa Sprouts

Use this procedure to go along with the Growing Alfalfa Sprouts Recipe and Photo Story.

16 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Recipe Vocabulary

Vocabulary/terms you often find in recipes.

43 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Procedure for making Strawberry Shortcake

Use this procedure to go along with the Strawberry Shortcake Recipe and Photostory. Kiki's mom and Kiki make Strawberry Shortcake in Kiki Celebrates Spring.

12 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Word list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast /s/ and /s/ blend words - all positions

A collection of words from Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Story of /s/ and /s/ blend words in all positions

20 items | by Bailey Morgan

(Phrase list) Mealtime Behaviors

Foundational skills needed in order to a child to be engaged and ready to eat at mealtimes.

12 items | by Haley Simpson

(Mixed list) Sensory Feeding Hierarchy

Hierarchy of sensory exposures needed before a child is ready to take a bite or eat a new food.

14 items | by Haley Simpson

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