Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

161 activity lists

(Mixed list) Fine Motor Activities

This is a list of activities to improve fine motor skills. It would be good for OT, PT and SLP to use with adults or kids with supervision.

16 items | by Kim Luster

(Mixed list) Butter Recipe

A recipe for making butter. This activity can be used in Occupational, Feeding, Physical, or Speech Therapy.

8 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Solar System Facts - "Here We Are"

A collection of facts about the solar system. Use the 'Questions about the Solar System' activity list as a companion.

15 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Requesting Actions with Cause and Effect Toys

Use this list to for language activities related to simple cause-and-effect toys such as things that light up or move like wind-up cars or bubbles.

5 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Prepositions in Sentences

A collection of simple prepositions used in sentences. Practice identifying the preposition in each sentence and creating your own sentences.

23 items | by Abigail O’Brien

(Mixed list) Back to School Idioms

10 back to school idioms are provided. Each idiom is then also used in a sentence. Use this activity list to teach idioms as well as to test knowledge of idioms after teaching.

20 items | by Bethany Ayer

(Mixed list) Procedure for making Strawberry Shortcake

Use this procedure to go along with the Strawberry Shortcake Recipe and Photostory. Kiki's mom and Kiki make Strawberry Shortcake in Kiki Celebrates Spring.

12 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Paragraph list) Spring Multisyllabic Paragraphs

A collection of multisyllabic Spring words in paragraphs. If it is too difficult, scale down to use just the activity list with the Spring multisyllabic words or these words in phrases and sentences.

4 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Winter Inference Activity

Winter Inference activity with the answer provided.

20 items | by Janette Hreish

(Sentence list) 7 Word Sentences

A list of 25 7-word sentences

25 items | by Alison Massoud

(Word list) /n/ in words

A collection of words with /n/ in all positions.

22 items | by Abigail Walkup

(Sentence list) Questions about the Solar System - "Here We Are"

A collection of fill in the blank questions about the solar system. Use the 'Solar System Facts' activity list as a companion.

15 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) /dz/ words MWP

/dz/ or "j" in medial word positions with sentences.

40 items | by Anonymous

(Mixed list) All About Me Question List with Additional Prompts

Use as a companion to the All About Me PDF. Make the activity harder with these additional questions.

33 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Word list) Words with initial /n/

A list of words with /n/ in the initial position

20 items | by Abigail O’Brien

(Sentence list) Sports Activity List

A collection of sentences related to sports. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

9 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) List 10 ideas to improve self feeding with a 5 year old with sensory difficulties.

A list of 10 ideas to improve self feeding with a 5 year old with sensory difficulties.

10 items | by Kim Luster

(Mixed list) Spring Fix a Sentence

List of 10 sentences with grammar errors. Help your student identify what is wrong with the sentence then check to see if you caught all the errors. After identifying the errors, your student can c...

30 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Paragraph list) Winter Multisyllabic Words in Paragraphs

A collection of paragraphs using winter multisyllabic words.

5 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Following Directions Winter Cabin Coloring page

One and two step following directions activity is to be used with the Winter Cabin Coloring Page by Sara Lowczyk. Use this with the whiteboard feature on Teletherapy or with a printed worksheet and...

22 items | by Janette Hreish

(Sentence list) 4th Grade Compound Sentences

Sentences can be used for recall/repetition of compound sentences, increase student MLU and give examples on how to expand sentences

10 items | by Anonymous

(Sentence list) 3rd Grade Compound Sentences

Sentences can be used for recall/repetition of compound sentences, increase student MLU and give examples on how to expand sentences

10 items | by Anonymous

(Sentence list) Occupations Activity List

A collection of sentences related to occupations. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Mixed list) Third person singular in sentences

A list of sentences using third person singular pronouns.

22 items | by Shaylee Garrett

(Paragraph list) How should I act if I lose a game

Some pointers for losing a game. This could be used as a social story.

4 items | by Virginia Ingram

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