Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

11 activity lists

(Phrase list) List of 10 fine motor activities for a 3 year old.

A list of 10 fine motor activities for a 3 year old.

10 items | by Kim Luster

(Sentence list) List 10 ideas to improve self feeding with a 5 year old with sensory difficulties.

A list of 10 ideas to improve self feeding with a 5 year old with sensory difficulties.

10 items | by Kim Luster

(Sentence list) 20 Items to draw.

A collection of 20 items to draw.

20 items | by Kim Luster

(Sentence list) Steps to drinking juice.

Steps to drinking juice from a cup.

9 items | by Kim Luster

(Sentence list) Steps to brush your teeth.

Steps to brush your teeth.

5 items | by Kim Luster

(Mixed list) Breakfast food and drink items

A collection of words about breakfast food and drink items.

19 items | by Kim Luster

(Word list) 5 sets of 3 words with the same letter in the initial position.

A collection of 5 sets of 3 nouns. Each set contains words with the same initial letter.

15 items | by Kim Luster

(Sentence list) Drawing, following directions with colors and shapes.

A collection of sentences to draw shapes in green, red, blue, yellow around items. This works with PDF Resource Rhyme-Read-Match-Draw slide 1.

12 items | by Kim Luster

(Word list) Nature Vocabulary

A collection of words that are found outside in nature. This word list will work well with Resource PDF Playground Slide 6 - Nature Scavenger Hunt.

13 items | by Kim Luster

(Phrase list) One-, two-, and three-step directions – Kiki is Flying

A collection of directions to be used with the Kiki is Flying comic.

20 items | by Kim Luster

(Mixed list) Fine Motor Activities

This is a list of activities to improve fine motor skills. It would be good for OT, PT and SLP to use with adults or kids with supervision.

16 items | by Kim Luster

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