Activity Lists

Lists of phonemes, blends, words, minimal pairs, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs to use in your sessions

Search lists of concepts (OT), exercise routines (PT), idioms (ST), foods (FT), and many other lists that can be directly applied in your sessions.

145 activity lists

(Mixed list) Narrative or Story Starters related to Christmas

A collection of narrative or story starters related to Christmas that can be used for oral or written narratives

10 items | by Jessica Lenden-Holt

(Mixed list) Confirming understanding with "Here We Are" Nouns

Use this Activity List with the book, "Here We Are" by Oliver Jeffers. Read the book with the student. After reading, use this activity list to ask/answer increasingly more abstract and decontextua...

50 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Paragraph list) Jokes/April Fool’s Day Multisyllabic Paragraphs

A collection of multisyllabic words, related to Jokes/April Fool’s Day, in paragraphs. If it is too difficult, scale down to use just the activity list with the Jokes/April Fool’s Day multisyllabic...

14 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Paragraph list) The Rainbow Passage

The Rainbow Passage text. Can be used for assessment, targeting conversation, and intelligibility.

3 items | by Ian Quillen

(Paragraph list) Dragon Hunter Short Story

The story of how a dragon hunter befriended a dragon.

2 items | by Trenton Treadway

(Mixed list) Monster Story: Werewolf, male

Short story including detailed descriptive setting, camping, and monster. See Sasquatch, female

3 items | by Maya Gonzalez

(Mixed list) Figurative Language: Jokes

A collection of terms, definitions, and examples of jokes to teach figurative language related to Jokes,

32 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Holiday Idioms

10 Holiday idioms are provided. Each idiom is in a sentence then the meaning of each idiom is provided. Use this activity list to teach idioms and also test knowledge of idioms after teaching.

30 items | by Janette Hreish

(Mixed list) Reading Comprehension- Inferencing

A reading passage to target inferencing for students with an interest in dinosaurs.

13 items | by Anonymous

(Mixed list) Two-step directions about the body (can use with "Here We Are")

One-step directions you can use to teach children about their body parts, counting, and following one-step directions. You can use these games with the book "Here We Are" by Oliver Jeffers or as st...

21 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Spring Figurative Language

11 Spring idioms are provided. Each idiom is in a sentence then the meaning of each idiom is provided. Use this activity list to teach idioms and also test knowledge of idioms after teaching.

34 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) December Holiday Multisyllabic Words in Sentences

A collection of multisyllabic Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, and December sentences.

28 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) 4th Grade Complex Sentences

Sentences can be used for recall/repetition of complex sentences, increase student MLU and give examples on how to expand sentences

10 items | by Anonymous

(Sentence list) 3rd Grade Complex Sentences

Sentences can be used for recall/repetition of complex sentences, increase student MLU and give examples on how to expand sentences

8 items | by Anonymous

(Paragraph list) Possessive Pronouns: Summer short story

Practice finding and circling the possessive pronouns within this short story! Then practice by creating your own! This could be used as a social story.

5 items | by Alexa Perry

(Sentence list) Solar System Facts - "Here We Are"

A collection of facts about the solar system. Use the 'Questions about the Solar System' activity list as a companion.

15 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Reflexive pronouns Short Story Practice

Practice finding the reflexive pronouns within this short story. Then practice by creating your own story with reflexive pronouns!

4 items | by Alexa Perry

(Mixed list) Thanksgiving Idioms

10 Thanksgiving idioms are provided. Each idiom is in a sentence then the meaning of each idiom is provided. Use this activity list to teach idioms and also test knowledge of idioms after teaching.

30 items | by Janette Hreish

(Mixed list) Thanksgiving Inference Story "Holiday to Remember"

A short story about Thanksgiving that has 10 inferencing questions about the story.

11 items | by Janette Hreish

(Sentence list) Questions about the Solar System - "Here We Are"

A collection of fill in the blank questions about the solar system. Use the 'Solar System Facts' activity list as a companion.

15 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Procedure for Growing Alfalfa Sprouts

Use this procedure to go along with the Growing Alfalfa Sprouts Recipe and Photo Story.

16 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Butter Recipe

A recipe for making butter. This activity can be used in Occupational, Feeding, Physical, or Speech Therapy.

8 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Mixed list) Halloween /th/ sounds in words, phrases, and sentences - all positions

A collection of Halloween words, phrases, and sentences with /th/ in all positions.

48 items | by Virginia Ingram

(Sentence list) Beach Activity List

A collection of sentences related to the beach. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

(Sentence list) Occupations Activity List

A collection of sentences related to occupations. Can be used with AAC resource of same theme.

10 items | by Gabriella Cousino

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