Birthday Party Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activities
![Birthday Party Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activities image](
Contains 24 pages of multiple cakes, create your own cake activity, blank cake pieces, variety of candles, numbers, a large variety of balloons and presents, piñata with blank candy pieces, pin the tail on the donkey game, question and command cards, and more.
Strategies and techniques
Birthday Activity Ideas:
**Blank birthday cake- Create your own birthday cake as a reinforcer. Follow directions to complete cake (one step, two step, or complex commands).
**Pictures in 3 sizes to target small/smaller/smallest/large/larger/largest/small/medium/large
**Blank cake pieces- earn as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Target one/some/all/more/most/less/least/quantities (1-6 or print more to target higher quantities). Color, add shapes or designs to target modifiers.
**Numbers- identification, labeling, or add to a cake to celebrate your client’s birthday. Use as a visual cue to answer “How old are you?”
**Variety of balloons- target colors, add shapes/designs to target other modifiers, write target sounds/words/vocabulary on balloons, one/some/all/more/most/less/least/1-20, follow directions using balloons (i.e. Put a red balloon beside the cake. Put 3 blue balloons and one red balloon under the present. Put a green balloon between the 2 pink balloons.)
**Pinata/Candy- add candy to pinata as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Write words on candy to target articulation. Write pronouns/verbs/vocabulary/multiple meaning words/etc. on candy pieces to target language goals.
**Present/Toys- add toys to the present as a reinforcer for correct productions. Hide a toy behind the present/See if client can guess what toy it is based on your description. Switch roles and see if client can describe toy. Cut pictures of toys out of magazines (or print more pictures) to add to activity.
**Candles- Add candles to cake as reinforcer for correct productions, target more/most/less/least, quantities (120), follow directions (i.e. add 2 blue candles and 1 purple candle, add 1 blue candle to the right side of the cake, put a purple candle in between the blue candles).
**Pin the Tail on the Donkey- Use as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Target prepositions, short/long, color tails to target colors, add spots or stripes or shapes to tails to target modifiers, write target words on tail (pin the tail after correct productions). Sequence steps to play the game/Give instructions to another player.
**Smaller presents of different sizes and colors to target modifiers, complex sentences (identification or description), negatives (i.e. show me a present that does not have stripes). Earn a present as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Make into a game (earn a present as a reinforcer), one present has a star on the back, client wins a prize.
**Expansion: Discuss birthday parties, compare and contrast cakes made during session, watch videos of making a cake (sequence steps, discuss ingredients), generate a story about a birthday, re-tell a story about a birthday party, Wh- questions regarding birthdays or birthday parties, compare and contrast gifts/toys, generate a list of items needed to have a birthday party, perspective taking (i.e. what gifts are good for kids vs. parents or client vs. SLP, items of different sizes, variety of presents.
**Blank birthday cake- Create your own birthday cake as a reinforcer. Follow directions to complete cake (one step, two step, or complex commands).
**Pictures in 3 sizes to target small/smaller/smallest/large/larger/largest/small/medium/large
**Blank cake pieces- earn as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Target one/some/all/more/most/less/least/quantities (1-6 or print more to target higher quantities). Color, add shapes or designs to target modifiers.
**Numbers- identification, labeling, or add to a cake to celebrate your client’s birthday. Use as a visual cue to answer “How old are you?”
**Variety of balloons- target colors, add shapes/designs to target other modifiers, write target sounds/words/vocabulary on balloons, one/some/all/more/most/less/least/1-20, follow directions using balloons (i.e. Put a red balloon beside the cake. Put 3 blue balloons and one red balloon under the present. Put a green balloon between the 2 pink balloons.)
**Pinata/Candy- add candy to pinata as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Write words on candy to target articulation. Write pronouns/verbs/vocabulary/multiple meaning words/etc. on candy pieces to target language goals.
**Present/Toys- add toys to the present as a reinforcer for correct productions. Hide a toy behind the present/See if client can guess what toy it is based on your description. Switch roles and see if client can describe toy. Cut pictures of toys out of magazines (or print more pictures) to add to activity.
**Candles- Add candles to cake as reinforcer for correct productions, target more/most/less/least, quantities (120), follow directions (i.e. add 2 blue candles and 1 purple candle, add 1 blue candle to the right side of the cake, put a purple candle in between the blue candles).
**Pin the Tail on the Donkey- Use as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Target prepositions, short/long, color tails to target colors, add spots or stripes or shapes to tails to target modifiers, write target words on tail (pin the tail after correct productions). Sequence steps to play the game/Give instructions to another player.
**Smaller presents of different sizes and colors to target modifiers, complex sentences (identification or description), negatives (i.e. show me a present that does not have stripes). Earn a present as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Make into a game (earn a present as a reinforcer), one present has a star on the back, client wins a prize.
**Expansion: Discuss birthday parties, compare and contrast cakes made during session, watch videos of making a cake (sequence steps, discuss ingredients), generate a story about a birthday, re-tell a story about a birthday party, Wh- questions regarding birthdays or birthday parties, compare and contrast gifts/toys, generate a list of items needed to have a birthday party, perspective taking (i.e. what gifts are good for kids vs. parents or client vs. SLP, items of different sizes, variety of presents.
Additional information
Resource details
![Birthday Party Speech/Language/Reinforcer Activities image](
Contains 24 pages of multiple cakes, create your own cake activity, blank cake pieces, variety of candles, numbers, a large variety of balloons and presents, piñata with blank candy pieces, pin the tail on the donkey game, question and command cards, and more.
Strategies and techniques
Birthday Activity Ideas:
**Blank birthday cake- Create your own birthday cake as a reinforcer. Follow directions to complete cake (one step, two step, or complex commands).
**Pictures in 3 sizes to target small/smaller/smallest/large/larger/largest/small/medium/large
**Blank cake pieces- earn as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Target one/some/all/more/most/less/least/quantities (1-6 or print more to target higher quantities). Color, add shapes or designs to target modifiers.
**Numbers- identification, labeling, or add to a cake to celebrate your client’s birthday. Use as a visual cue to answer “How old are you?”
**Variety of balloons- target colors, add shapes/designs to target other modifiers, write target sounds/words/vocabulary on balloons, one/some/all/more/most/less/least/1-20, follow directions using balloons (i.e. Put a red balloon beside the cake. Put 3 blue balloons and one red balloon under the present. Put a green balloon between the 2 pink balloons.)
**Pinata/Candy- add candy to pinata as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Write words on candy to target articulation. Write pronouns/verbs/vocabulary/multiple meaning words/etc. on candy pieces to target language goals.
**Present/Toys- add toys to the present as a reinforcer for correct productions. Hide a toy behind the present/See if client can guess what toy it is based on your description. Switch roles and see if client can describe toy. Cut pictures of toys out of magazines (or print more pictures) to add to activity.
**Candles- Add candles to cake as reinforcer for correct productions, target more/most/less/least, quantities (120), follow directions (i.e. add 2 blue candles and 1 purple candle, add 1 blue candle to the right side of the cake, put a purple candle in between the blue candles).
**Pin the Tail on the Donkey- Use as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Target prepositions, short/long, color tails to target colors, add spots or stripes or shapes to tails to target modifiers, write target words on tail (pin the tail after correct productions). Sequence steps to play the game/Give instructions to another player.
**Smaller presents of different sizes and colors to target modifiers, complex sentences (identification or description), negatives (i.e. show me a present that does not have stripes). Earn a present as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Make into a game (earn a present as a reinforcer), one present has a star on the back, client wins a prize.
**Expansion: Discuss birthday parties, compare and contrast cakes made during session, watch videos of making a cake (sequence steps, discuss ingredients), generate a story about a birthday, re-tell a story about a birthday party, Wh- questions regarding birthdays or birthday parties, compare and contrast gifts/toys, generate a list of items needed to have a birthday party, perspective taking (i.e. what gifts are good for kids vs. parents or client vs. SLP, items of different sizes, variety of presents.
**Blank birthday cake- Create your own birthday cake as a reinforcer. Follow directions to complete cake (one step, two step, or complex commands).
**Pictures in 3 sizes to target small/smaller/smallest/large/larger/largest/small/medium/large
**Blank cake pieces- earn as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Target one/some/all/more/most/less/least/quantities (1-6 or print more to target higher quantities). Color, add shapes or designs to target modifiers.
**Numbers- identification, labeling, or add to a cake to celebrate your client’s birthday. Use as a visual cue to answer “How old are you?”
**Variety of balloons- target colors, add shapes/designs to target other modifiers, write target sounds/words/vocabulary on balloons, one/some/all/more/most/less/least/1-20, follow directions using balloons (i.e. Put a red balloon beside the cake. Put 3 blue balloons and one red balloon under the present. Put a green balloon between the 2 pink balloons.)
**Pinata/Candy- add candy to pinata as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Write words on candy to target articulation. Write pronouns/verbs/vocabulary/multiple meaning words/etc. on candy pieces to target language goals.
**Present/Toys- add toys to the present as a reinforcer for correct productions. Hide a toy behind the present/See if client can guess what toy it is based on your description. Switch roles and see if client can describe toy. Cut pictures of toys out of magazines (or print more pictures) to add to activity.
**Candles- Add candles to cake as reinforcer for correct productions, target more/most/less/least, quantities (120), follow directions (i.e. add 2 blue candles and 1 purple candle, add 1 blue candle to the right side of the cake, put a purple candle in between the blue candles).
**Pin the Tail on the Donkey- Use as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Target prepositions, short/long, color tails to target colors, add spots or stripes or shapes to tails to target modifiers, write target words on tail (pin the tail after correct productions). Sequence steps to play the game/Give instructions to another player.
**Smaller presents of different sizes and colors to target modifiers, complex sentences (identification or description), negatives (i.e. show me a present that does not have stripes). Earn a present as a reinforcer for correct productions/responses. Make into a game (earn a present as a reinforcer), one present has a star on the back, client wins a prize.
**Expansion: Discuss birthday parties, compare and contrast cakes made during session, watch videos of making a cake (sequence steps, discuss ingredients), generate a story about a birthday, re-tell a story about a birthday party, Wh- questions regarding birthdays or birthday parties, compare and contrast gifts/toys, generate a list of items needed to have a birthday party, perspective taking (i.e. what gifts are good for kids vs. parents or client vs. SLP, items of different sizes, variety of presents.
Focus areas
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Basic Concepts
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Following Directions
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Basic Concepts
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Inferences
- ST -> Articulation -> Distortions
- ST -> Articulation -> Omissions
- ST -> Articulation -> Substitutions
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Describing
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Negation
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Utterance Expansion
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Narrative Development
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Answering Questions
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Answering Questions
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Sequencing
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Sequencing
10 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
What Are Basic Concepts?
Author(s): Super Duper -
The Ability to Follow Verbal Directions: Identifying Skill Levels and Measuring Progress
Author(s): Cindy Gill, Laura Moorer-Cook, Erika S. Armstro...
Grade levels
Grades PK - 7
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
Resource slides
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