Winter Theme Board Game

Winter Theme Board Game image


This themed board game require no preparation and is perfect for preschool and elementary students. You can easily target various speech and language goals such as articulation, phonology, apraxia, receptive language, and expressive language. You will get multiple trials using this fun and effective speech therapy activity. Pair with a Dice and play the game all session. Perfect for group or individual therapy.


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Mickayla Hulliberger avatar

Mickayla Hulliberger about 2 months ago





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Winter Theme Board Game image


This themed board game require no preparation and is perfect for preschool and elementary students. You can easily target various speech and language goals such as articulation, phonology, apraxia, receptive language, and expressive language. You will get multiple trials using this fun and effective speech therapy activity. Pair with a Dice and play the game all session. Perfect for group or individual therapy.


No License (NL)

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