Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Story

A story about Kiki who is planning to make breakfast for the holidays. The story focuses on planning, making lists, requesting, problem solving, following a recipe, and more.
Strategies and techniques
- Practice imitation of grammatically correct sentences
- Expressively identify items
- Categorization of items
- Concepts of no/not (i.e., This is NOT breakfast food. This is NOT something we drink.)
- Articulation sounds with items in phrases/sentences
- Creating a grocery list
Additional information
Resource details

A story about Kiki who is planning to make breakfast for the holidays. The story focuses on planning, making lists, requesting, problem solving, following a recipe, and more.
Strategies and techniques
- Practice imitation of grammatically correct sentences
- Expressively identify items
- Categorization of items
- Concepts of no/not (i.e., This is NOT breakfast food. This is NOT something we drink.)
- Articulation sounds with items in phrases/sentences
- Creating a grocery list
Focus areas
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Asking Questions
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Categories
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Reading
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Requesting
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Vocabulary
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Verbs
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Answering Questions
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Categories
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Reading
- OT -> Executive Function -> Planning
- OT -> Executive Function -> Problem Solving
- ST -> Articulation -> Distortions
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Describing
- ST -> Expressive Language -> Labeling
- ST -> Phonology -> Gliding
- ST -> Phonology -> Syllable Shapes / Consonant-Vowel Combinations
- ST -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Being Prepared
- ST -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Dealing with Conflict
- ST -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Following Directions
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Attributes
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Following Directions
- ST -> Receptive Language -> Sequencing
- OT -> Executive Function -> Organization
18 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
Evidence based practice citations
How and Why to Teach Categories in Speech Therapy
Author(s): @allison_fors -
Verb Use In Specific Language Impairment
Author(s): Gina Conti-Ramsden and Melanie Jones
Grade levels
Weekly Themes
Daily Themes
Activity Lists
- (Sentence list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast 1,2, and 3 step directions
- (Mixed list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Discussion and Thought Starters
- (Phrase list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Phrases with Multisyllabic Words
- (Sentence list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Sentence Strips and Questions
- (Word list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast /r/ and /r/ blends - all positions
- (Sentence list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Sentences with Multisyllabic Words
- (Word list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast /s/ and /s/ blend words - all positions
- (Word list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast /l/ vocabulary - all positions
- (Mixed list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast - Fix/Create a Sentence
- (Mixed list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast vocabulary
- (Sentence list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Categorization
- (Word list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast /b/ initial words
- (Word list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Gliding Word List
- (Sentence list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Action Words
- (Phrase list) Kiki's Holiday Breakfast Categories
- (Mixed list) Breakfast food and drink items
- (Word list) Holiday /s/ Word List
- (Word list) Holiday /sh/ Word List
- (Word list) Holiday /s/-blends
- (Word list) Holiday /th/ Word List
Resource slides
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