Playground Build a Scene , Speech and Language Activities

Playground Build a Scene , Speech and Language Activities image


20 pages of speech and language activities related to playground/recess. 
Token reinforcement board with robots also included.

Strategies and techniques

Ways to Use: 
Cut out items. Practice labeling or identifying items. 
Sort/categorize items. 
Find items that start or end with a target sound. 
Use sample questions to target Wh- questions. 
Use sample commands to target following directions. 
Create your own questions and commands related to the scenes. 
Have the child give you commands to follow. 
Have each child create a scene and describe it. 
For groups, have children compare/contrast the scenes they created. 
Have students create and discuss their own set of playground/recess rules. Discuss why they chose those rules/are the rules fair/are there any problems with the rules they created? 
Past tense verb cards. Point to or circle the correct answer. 
Name That Toy activity for context clues/naming items when given defining features. 
Answer or discuss the problem solving/social skills questions related to recess. 
Token reward system with 10 robots to use a reinforcer for attempts or correct responses. 
“I am working for” visual. Write/draw/place a photo of what the child is working for in the second box.


No License (NL)

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Jessica Lenden-Holt avatar

Jessica Lenden-Holt almost 4 years ago





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Resource details

Playground Build a Scene , Speech and Language Activities image


20 pages of speech and language activities related to playground/recess. 
Token reinforcement board with robots also included.

Strategies and techniques

Ways to Use: 
Cut out items. Practice labeling or identifying items. 
Sort/categorize items. 
Find items that start or end with a target sound. 
Use sample questions to target Wh- questions. 
Use sample commands to target following directions. 
Create your own questions and commands related to the scenes. 
Have the child give you commands to follow. 
Have each child create a scene and describe it. 
For groups, have children compare/contrast the scenes they created. 
Have students create and discuss their own set of playground/recess rules. Discuss why they chose those rules/are the rules fair/are there any problems with the rules they created? 
Past tense verb cards. Point to or circle the correct answer. 
Name That Toy activity for context clues/naming items when given defining features. 
Answer or discuss the problem solving/social skills questions related to recess. 
Token reward system with 10 robots to use a reinforcer for attempts or correct responses. 
“I am working for” visual. Write/draw/place a photo of what the child is working for in the second box.


No License (NL)

Focus areas

  1. ST -> Augmentative and Alternative Communication -> Aided Communication
  2. ST -> Expressive Language -> Adjectives
  3. ST -> Expressive Language -> Answering Questions
  4. ST -> Expressive Language -> Asking Questions
  5. ST -> Expressive Language -> Attributes
  6. 23 more focus areas. Click arrow to view all.
  7. ST -> Expressive Language -> Basic Concepts
  8. ST -> Expressive Language -> Describing
  9. ST -> Expressive Language -> Differences
  10. ST -> Expressive Language -> Narrative Development
  11. ST -> Expressive Language -> Nouns
  12. ST -> Expressive Language -> Prepositions
  13. ST -> Expressive Language -> Pronouns
  14. ST -> Expressive Language -> Verbs
  15. ST -> Expressive Language -> Vocabulary
  16. ST -> Phonology -> Phonological Awareness
  17. ST -> Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills -> Conversation
  18. ST -> Receptive Language -> Adjectives
  19. ST -> Receptive Language -> Answering Questions
  20. ST -> Receptive Language -> Attributes
  21. ST -> Receptive Language -> Basic Concepts
  22. ST -> Receptive Language -> Following Directions
  23. ST -> Receptive Language -> Labeling
  24. ST -> Receptive Language -> Nouns
  25. ST -> Receptive Language -> Prepositions
  26. ST -> Receptive Language -> Pronouns
  27. ST -> Receptive Language -> Sequencing
  28. ST -> Receptive Language -> Verbs
  29. ST -> Receptive Language -> Vocabulary

Evidence based practice citations

  1. Use of Narrative-Based Language Intervention With Children Who Have Specific Language Impairment
    Author(s): Swanson, L., Fey, M., Millis, C. & Hood, L.
  2. Adjective Learning In Young Typically Developing Children and Children With Developmental Language Disorder: A Retrieval-Based Approach
    Author(s): Laurence B. Leonard, Patricia Deevy, Jeffrey D....

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