Reference Links
Speech, occupational, physical, and feeding therapy bookmarks from around the web
15 reference links
Effectiveness of Sensory Integration Interventions In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study
This study provides preliminary support for using SI interventions in children with ASD, although further research is necessary. Results identified significant progress toward individualized goals,...
Parental or Teacher Education and Coaching to Support Function and Participation of Children and Youth With Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration Challenges: A Systematic Review
Practitioners should be encouraged to increase involvement with parents and to also increase parental engagement in therapy provided in the clinic and school system. First, parent training and co...
Effectiveness of Cognitive and Occupation-Based Interventions For Children With Challenges In Sensory Processing and Integration: A Systematic Review.
Moderate support for specific types of cognitive and occupation-based interventions that support self-regulation including Alert Program and Social Stories. Occupation-based interventions involved ...
Efficacy of Occupational Therapy Using Ayres Sensory Integration®: A Systematic Review
The evidence is strong that ASI intervention demonstrates positive outcomes for improving individually generated goals of functioning and participation as measured by Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS) ...
Evaluation of MealSense©: A Sensory Integration–Based Feeding Support Program For Parents
Knowledge translation strategies may facilitate the usefulness of parent education programs related to sensory integration and feeding. MealSense provides an example of an online educational tool f...
Specific Sensory Techniques and Sensory Environmental Modifications For Children and Youth With Sensory Integration Difficulties: A Systematic Review
Preschoolers with ASD and tactile over-reactivity may be particularly appropriate for Qigong massage, which has moderate to strong evidence to support its effectiveness when provided as QST. The...
Interventions Supporting Mental Health and Positive Behavior In Children Ages Birth–5 Yr: A Systematic Review
The evidence indicates that touch-based interventions can improve infant self-regulation (strong), social behavior, and attachment (moderate) and reduce maternal stress, anxiety, and depression (lo...
Occupational Therapy Interventions For Children and Youth With Challenges In Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing: A School-Based Practice Case Example
This case demonstrates the use of evidence-based strategies in school-based occupational therapy for a student with ASD and sensory processing difficulties whose occupational therapy evaluation ide...
Echolalia and Its Role In Gestalt Language Acquisition
This view of gestalt language acquisition and the role of echolalia in individuals with ASD is reflected in assessment procedures (e.g., assessing communicative function of echolalia) and treatment...
Therapy Co-Treatment Scenarios and Documentation - Harmony Healthcare International (HHI) Blog
PT and OT appear to be a natural pairing because of the treatment crossover in neuromuscular and orthopedic deficit remediation. However, patients also benefit from co-treatments with SLP and OT, ...
Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines For Children and Youth Ages 5–21 Years
Collaborate with families and caregivers and provide services in the natural context of the desired occupation. The evidence also supports group service models and models that include peer mediatio...
Occupational Therapy Using a Sensory Integration-Based Approach With Adult Populations
Occupational performance difficulties due to sensory modulation challenges or poor integration of sensation can result from difficulties in how the nervous system receives, organizes, and uses sens...
Proprioception, also referred to as kinaesthesia (or kinesthesia), is the sense of self-movement and body position. It is sometimes described as the "sixth sense".
So, what exactly is sensory? Remember learning about the senses in school? Did you know we actually have 8 sensory systems? There is so much to understand about sensory processing, and how kids can...
Vestibular Activities
These vestibular activities are strategies to add vestibular sensory input. Use these movement activities to calm and regulate input.
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Focus area
Articulation (27)
- Accent Modification (2)
- Additions (2)
- Distortions (2)
- Omissions (2)
- Substitutions (2)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (15)
Execution and Speech Motor Planning (11)
Executive Function (14)
- Attention (2)
Expressive Language (55)
- Abstract / Figurative Language / Idioms (1)
- Answering Questions (1)
- Asking Questions (1)
- Basic Concepts (1)
- Categories (1)
- Communicative Intent (1)
- Grammar (1)
- Labeling (1)
- Morphology (3)
- Multiple Meanings (9)
- Negation (1)
- Play Skills (1)
- Pronouns (1)
- Reading (5)
- Semantics (4)
- Syntax (1)
- Vocabulary (2)
- Vocalizations (1)
Fluency (6)
- Hearing (14)
- Intelligibility (12)
Oral Motor Skills (2)
Phonology (25)
- Cluster Reduction (1)
- Final Consonant Deletion (1)
- Fronting (1)
- Gliding (1)
- Phonological Awareness (1)
- Stopping (1)
- Syllable Shapes / Consonant-Vowel Combinations (1)
- Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills (19)
Receptive Language (40)
- Abstract / Figurative Language / Idioms (1)
- Auditory Processing (5)
- Auditory Response (5)
- Basic Concepts (1)
- Categories (1)
- Following Directions (1)
- Grammar (1)
- Inferences (1)
- Morphology (1)
- Multiple Meanings (5)
- Negation (1)
- Play Skills (1)
- Pronouns (1)
- Reading (3)
- Semantics (2)
- Vocabulary (1)
- Self-regulation (7)
- Voice (9)
Activities of Daily Living / Self-care (30)
- Dressing (1)
- Feeding / Utensil Management (4)
- Sleep (5)
- Toileting (3)
- Attention (8)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (6)
- Accessibility (1)
- Motor Planning (1)
- Self-advocacy (2)
- Balance (4)
- Bilateral Coordination (5)
Executive Function (23)
- Attention (2)
- Cognitive Flexibility (1)
- Emotional Regulation (6)
- Impulse Control (1)
- Problem Solving (2)
- Self-Monitoring (1)
- Self-Talk (1)
- Task Completion (2)
- Task Initiation (2)
Fine Motor Skills (20)
- Manipulation Skills (1)
- Pincer Grasp (3)
- Pre-writing / Copying / Drawing (7)
- Self-care (2)
- Stacking Blocks (1)
- Writing (3)
Gross Motor Skills (7)
- Movement Changes (2)
- Sequencing (1)
Handwriting (9)
- Letter Formation (4)
- Line Awareness (2)
- Pencil Grasp (2)
- Scribbling (1)
- Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (19)
- Neuromuscular Retraining (1)
Play (11)
- Imaginative (2)
Praxis (2)
Self-regulation (20)
- Coping Skills (5)
- Mindfulness (3)
Sensory (15)
- Auditory (2)
- Interoception (1)
- Proprioception (2)
- Tactile (2)
- Vestibular Sensory Input (1)
- Visual (1)
- Visual Motor Skills (5)
Assisted Device (3)
Balance (4)
- Sitting (1)
Bilateral Coordination (2)
Gait (9)
- Mechanics (4)
- Retraining Exercises (2)
Gross Motor Skills (11)
- Ambulation (6)
- Ball Skills (1)
- Milestones (6)
- Transitions (4)
Neuromuscular Retraining (12)
- Body Awareness (10)
- Crossing Midline (1)
- Weight Bearing (5)
Nutrition (3)
- Amount / Intake (2)
- Eating Patterns (1)
- Weight Management (1)
- Pain (7)
Praxis (11)
- Coordination (7)
- Execution (5)
- Motor Planning (9)
- Range of Motion (7)
Strength (17)
- Core (6)
- Endurance (9)
- Lower Extremity (11)
- Mobility (11)
- Stability / Balance (2)
- Total Body / Gross / Overall (8)
- Upper Extremity (5)
Speech Therapy (108)
Occupational Therapy (79)
Physical Therapy (27)
Feeding Therapy (16)
Articulation (27)
User (Top 10)
- Kevin Dias (96)
- Teodora Gajic Bakic (31)
- Maya Gonzalez (30)
- Paul Rice (25)
- Virginia Ingram (24)
- Meagan Delaney (18)
- Jessica Lenden-Holt (16)
- Trenton Treadway (15)
- Bethany Ayer (14)
- Ian Iyengar (2)