Reference Links
Speech, occupational, physical, and feeding therapy bookmarks from around the web
31 reference links
Segmentation and Representation of Consonant Blends In Kindergarten Children’s Spellings
During the period of emergence, the properties of phonemes that comprise consonant blends influence children’s ability to segment and represent blends. This finding has implications for how phonemi...
Handwriting: A Matter of Affairs
Mangen and Velay (2010) state that in handwriting, visual attention strongly focuses on the movement of the hand, while in typing, the visual attention scatters between hitting the keyboard and w...
Steps For Implementation: Positive Reinforcement
Reinforcement is an evidence-based practice used to increase appropriate behavior and teach new skills (e.g., replacement behavior in place of an interfering behavior). This document outlines the s...
Reading: A Review of the Current Research On Vocabulary Instruction
This review of current vocabulary research confirms the benefits of explicit teaching over implicit teaching in promoting vocabulary development. Results from this review suggest that effective an...
Nurturing Care For Early Childhood Development
Your loving care as a parent is what a child needs to be healthy, wellnourished and safe. • Communicate early and often, starting even before your baby is born. It will help you build a warm and ...
How An SLP and OT Collaborate Long-Distance - The ASHA Leader BLOG
As speech-language pathologists, we all experience stories of working as an interdisciplinary team. In this story, co-treatment brought us together and keeps us in touch today. Our relationship na...
Joint Guidelines For Therapy Co-Treatment Under Medicare
Co-treatment may be appropriate when practitioners from different professional disciplines can effectively address their treatment goals while the patient is engaged in a single therapy session. Fo...
Leveling Up Regulatory Support Through Community Collaboration
While behavioral intervention methodologies and societal expectations for masking remain prevalent, in recent years, there has been a greater emphasis placed on understanding the underlying factors...
Interlimb (Bilateral) Coordination and Academic Performance In Elementary School Children
There was a significant difference between groups for Total Motor Composite (P < 0.001), favoring the high group. On regression analysis, there was a significant association between academic perfor...
Pathological Demand Avoidance: Exploring the Behavioral Profile
This study is the first to use standardized measures to explore the behavioral profile of children receiving the increasingly used label PDA. It represents the first clear evidence that children f...
Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity On Anxiety
Exercise and cognitively based distraction techniques were shown to have equal effectiveness at reducing state anxiety, however, exercise was more effective in reducing trait anxiety (Petruzzello e...
Pathological Demand Avoidance: Symptoms but Not a Syndrome
In our Viewpoint, we reviewed the current literature and conclude that the evidence does not support the validity of pathological demand avoidance as an independent syndrome. Nevertheless, the use ...
Effectiveness of Pediatric Occupational Therapy For Children With Disabilities: A Systematic Review
A. Parent partnership within an occupational therapist intervention is effective and worthwhile Occupational Therapists embrace the principles of family-centered care (Hanna & Rodger, 2002), where...
Parents' Experiences of Professionals' Involvement For Children With Extreme Demand Avoidance
Parents felt positive about practitioners who had listened to their experiences, made efforts to understand the child, and provided or arranged for help. Parents found involvement most helpful whe...
Effectiveness of Sensory Integration Interventions In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Pilot Study
This study provides preliminary support for using SI interventions in children with ASD, although further research is necessary. Results identified significant progress toward individualized goals,...
Changes In American Children's Time - 1997 to 2003
According to research by Sandra Hofferth, children between six and twelve years of age spend an average of just under three hours per week on housework (and almost 14 hours per week watching televi...
The Functional External Memory Aid Tool Version 2.0: A How-To Clinical Guide
This clinical-focus article describes new resources available to help clinicians administer and interpret Version 2.0 of the FEMAT when serving adults with cognitive-communication disorders.
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Development Disorder
Psychosocial interventions that are effective in reducing core symptoms and improving adaptive skills and functioning are available, but they are very resource intensive. Increased evidence on...
Your Child’s Early Development is a Journey
Skills such as taking the first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move....
Echolalia and Its Role In Gestalt Language Acquisition
This view of gestalt language acquisition and the role of echolalia in individuals with ASD is reflected in assessment procedures (e.g., assessing communicative function of echolalia) and treatment...
The Importance of Cursive Handwriting Over Typewriting For Learning In the Classroom: A High-Density EEG Study of 12-Year-Old Children and Young Adults
In a recent EEG study, Van der Meer and Van der Weel (2017) found that drawing by hand activated larger networks in the brain compared to typewriting and concluded that the involvement of fine hand...
Medicare Guidelines For Group Therapy
Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15 230-Practice of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech-Language Pathology A. Group Therapy Services. Contractors pay for outpatient physic...
Milestone Moments
These developmental milestones show what most children (75% or more) can do by each age. Subject matter experts selected these milestones based on available data and expert consensus.
Variables Related to Successful School-Based Practice
Three themes were identified: "Finding the key" described a procedural reasoning process in which the participants searched for the underlying reasons for each student's behaviors and performance....
Occupational Therapy Interventions For Children and Youth With Challenges In Sensory Integration and Sensory Processing: A School-Based Practice Case Example
This case demonstrates the use of evidence-based strategies in school-based occupational therapy for a student with ASD and sensory processing difficulties whose occupational therapy evaluation ide...
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Articulation (27)
- Accent Modification (2)
- Additions (2)
- Distortions (2)
- Omissions (2)
- Substitutions (2)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (15)
Execution and Speech Motor Planning (11)
Executive Function (14)
- Attention (2)
Expressive Language (55)
- Abstract / Figurative Language / Idioms (1)
- Answering Questions (1)
- Asking Questions (1)
- Basic Concepts (1)
- Categories (1)
- Communicative Intent (1)
- Grammar (1)
- Labeling (1)
- Morphology (3)
- Multiple Meanings (9)
- Negation (1)
- Play Skills (1)
- Pronouns (1)
- Reading (5)
- Semantics (4)
- Syntax (1)
- Vocabulary (2)
- Vocalizations (1)
Fluency (6)
- Hearing (14)
- Intelligibility (12)
Oral Motor Skills (2)
Phonology (25)
- Cluster Reduction (1)
- Final Consonant Deletion (1)
- Fronting (1)
- Gliding (1)
- Phonological Awareness (1)
- Stopping (1)
- Syllable Shapes / Consonant-Vowel Combinations (1)
- Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills (19)
Receptive Language (40)
- Abstract / Figurative Language / Idioms (1)
- Auditory Processing (5)
- Auditory Response (5)
- Basic Concepts (1)
- Categories (1)
- Following Directions (1)
- Grammar (1)
- Inferences (1)
- Morphology (1)
- Multiple Meanings (5)
- Negation (1)
- Play Skills (1)
- Pronouns (1)
- Reading (3)
- Semantics (2)
- Vocabulary (1)
- Self-regulation (7)
- Voice (9)
Activities of Daily Living / Self-care (30)
- Dressing (1)
- Feeding / Utensil Management (4)
- Sleep (5)
- Toileting (3)
- Attention (8)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (6)
- Accessibility (1)
- Motor Planning (1)
- Self-advocacy (2)
- Balance (4)
- Bilateral Coordination (5)
Executive Function (23)
- Attention (2)
- Cognitive Flexibility (1)
- Emotional Regulation (6)
- Impulse Control (1)
- Problem Solving (2)
- Self-Monitoring (1)
- Self-Talk (1)
- Task Completion (2)
- Task Initiation (2)
Fine Motor Skills (20)
- Manipulation Skills (1)
- Pincer Grasp (3)
- Pre-writing / Copying / Drawing (7)
- Self-care (2)
- Stacking Blocks (1)
- Writing (3)
Gross Motor Skills (7)
- Movement Changes (2)
- Sequencing (1)
Handwriting (9)
- Letter Formation (4)
- Line Awareness (2)
- Pencil Grasp (2)
- Scribbling (1)
- Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (19)
- Neuromuscular Retraining (1)
Play (11)
- Imaginative (2)
Praxis (2)
Self-regulation (20)
- Coping Skills (5)
- Mindfulness (3)
Sensory (15)
- Auditory (2)
- Interoception (1)
- Proprioception (2)
- Tactile (2)
- Vestibular Sensory Input (1)
- Visual (1)
- Visual Motor Skills (5)
Assisted Device (3)
Balance (4)
- Sitting (1)
Bilateral Coordination (2)
Gait (9)
- Mechanics (4)
- Retraining Exercises (2)
Gross Motor Skills (11)
- Ambulation (6)
- Ball Skills (1)
- Milestones (6)
- Transitions (4)
Neuromuscular Retraining (12)
- Body Awareness (10)
- Crossing Midline (1)
- Weight Bearing (5)
Nutrition (3)
- Amount / Intake (2)
- Eating Patterns (1)
- Weight Management (1)
- Pain (7)
Praxis (11)
- Coordination (7)
- Execution (5)
- Motor Planning (9)
- Range of Motion (7)
Strength (17)
- Core (6)
- Endurance (9)
- Lower Extremity (11)
- Mobility (11)
- Stability / Balance (2)
- Total Body / Gross / Overall (8)
- Upper Extremity (5)
Speech Therapy (108)
Occupational Therapy (79)
Physical Therapy (27)
Feeding Therapy (16)
Articulation (27)
User (Top 10)
- Kevin Dias (96)
- Teodora Gajic Bakic (31)
- Maya Gonzalez (30)
- Paul Rice (25)
- Virginia Ingram (24)
- Meagan Delaney (18)
- Jessica Lenden-Holt (16)
- Trenton Treadway (15)
- Bethany Ayer (14)
- Ian Iyengar (2)