Reference Links
Speech, occupational, physical, and feeding therapy bookmarks from around the web
23 reference links
Steps For Implementation: Positive Reinforcement
Reinforcement is an evidence-based practice used to increase appropriate behavior and teach new skills (e.g., replacement behavior in place of an interfering behavior). This document outlines the s...
Psychoeducation For Caregivers of People With Chronic Conditions: Systematic Review of Related Literature From 1995–2018
Effectiveness of interventions for caregivers of adults with chronic conditions. Adequate caregiver training to promote maintenance of the caregiver's role. Interventions focused on individualized ...
Interventions Within the Scope of Occupational Therapy to Improve Children’s Academic Participation: A Systematic Review
Effectiveness of interventions to improve academic participation of children and youth ages 5–21 yr. Interventions that use choice, creative engagement, collaboration with parents, and support by c...
Leveling Up Regulatory Support Through Community Collaboration
While behavioral intervention methodologies and societal expectations for masking remain prevalent, in recent years, there has been a greater emphasis placed on understanding the underlying factors...
Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity On Anxiety
Exercise and cognitively based distraction techniques were shown to have equal effectiveness at reducing state anxiety, however, exercise was more effective in reducing trait anxiety (Petruzzello e...
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Development Disorder
Psychosocial interventions that are effective in reducing core symptoms and improving adaptive skills and functioning are available, but they are very resource intensive. Increased evidence on...
Your Child’s Early Development is a Journey
Skills such as taking the first step, smiling for the first time, and waving “bye-bye” are called developmental milestones. Children reach milestones in how they play, learn, speak, act, and move....
Milestone Moments
These developmental milestones show what most children (75% or more) can do by each age. Subject matter experts selected these milestones based on available data and expert consensus.
Impact of the Application of Behavioral Principles On Children’s Participation In Occupational Therapy From the Therapist’s Perspective
Interventions utilizing positive reinforcement, visual schedules, and shaping can contribute to decreased challenging behaviors and increased on-task performance in therapy sessions among participa...
Interventions Within the Scope of Occupational Therapy Practice to Improve Motor Performance For Children Ages 0–5 Years: A Systematic Review
Themes: Early intervention for children younger than age 3 yr, interventions for preschool children ages 3–5 yr, and interventions for children with or at risk for cerebral palsy. Occupational the...
Mental/Behavior Health and Well-Being
Interventions that can be implemented in a school system including the development of a supportive environment. Citation: American Occupational Therapy Association, 2020
Reading: A Review of the Current Research On Vocabulary Instruction
This review of current vocabulary research confirms the benefits of explicit teaching over implicit teaching in promoting vocabulary development. Results from this review suggest that effective an...
Effectiveness of Pediatric Occupational Therapy For Children With Disabilities: A Systematic Review
A. Parent partnership within an occupational therapist intervention is effective and worthwhile Occupational Therapists embrace the principles of family-centered care (Hanna & Rodger, 2002), where...
Activity- and Occupation-Based Interventions to Support Mental Health, Positive Behavior, and Social Participation For Children and Youth: A Systematic Review
Productive occupations and life skills, sports, and yoga addressed mental health, positive behavior, and social participation for children and youth with and at risk for mental health concerns. M...
Occupation- and Activity-Based Interventions to Improve Performance of Activities of Daily Living, Play, and Leisure For Children and Youth Ages 5 to 21: A Systematic Review
Strong evidence indicates that engagement in occupations and activities, practice within and across environments, and coaching and feedback improve participation and performance in ADLs and functio...
Effectiveness of Cognitive and Occupation-Based Interventions For Children With Challenges In Sensory Processing and Integration: A Systematic Review.
Moderate support for specific types of cognitive and occupation-based interventions that support self-regulation including Alert Program and Social Stories. Occupation-based interventions involved ...
Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines For Early Childhood: Birth–5 Years
Cognitive delays: home-, community-, and preschool-based interventions. To address cognitive development in premature infants, use of NIDCAP, home-based EI, touch-based interventions, and reading ...
Interlimb (Bilateral) Coordination and Academic Performance In Elementary School Children
There was a significant difference between groups for Total Motor Composite (P < 0.001), favoring the high group. On regression analysis, there was a significant association between academic perfor...
Effectiveness of a Mindfulness-Based Social–Emotional Learning Program On Psychosocial Adjustment and Neuropsychological Maturity In Kindergarten Children
Our findings suggest that mindfulness programs may be effective in promoting psychosocial adjustment and improving neuropsychological variables in young children. MindKinder program could enhance s...
Variables Related to Successful School-Based Practice
Three themes were identified: "Finding the key" described a procedural reasoning process in which the participants searched for the underlying reasons for each student's behaviors and performance....
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Focus area
Articulation (27)
- Accent Modification (2)
- Additions (2)
- Distortions (2)
- Omissions (2)
- Substitutions (2)
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (15)
Execution and Speech Motor Planning (11)
Executive Function (14)
- Attention (2)
Expressive Language (55)
- Abstract / Figurative Language / Idioms (1)
- Answering Questions (1)
- Asking Questions (1)
- Basic Concepts (1)
- Categories (1)
- Communicative Intent (1)
- Grammar (1)
- Labeling (1)
- Morphology (3)
- Multiple Meanings (9)
- Negation (1)
- Play Skills (1)
- Pronouns (1)
- Reading (5)
- Semantics (4)
- Syntax (1)
- Vocabulary (2)
- Vocalizations (1)
Fluency (6)
- Hearing (14)
- Intelligibility (12)
Oral Motor Skills (2)
Phonology (25)
- Cluster Reduction (1)
- Final Consonant Deletion (1)
- Fronting (1)
- Gliding (1)
- Phonological Awareness (1)
- Stopping (1)
- Syllable Shapes / Consonant-Vowel Combinations (1)
- Pragmatics / Social Skills / Life Skills (19)
Receptive Language (40)
- Abstract / Figurative Language / Idioms (1)
- Auditory Processing (5)
- Auditory Response (5)
- Basic Concepts (1)
- Categories (1)
- Following Directions (1)
- Grammar (1)
- Inferences (1)
- Morphology (1)
- Multiple Meanings (5)
- Negation (1)
- Play Skills (1)
- Pronouns (1)
- Reading (3)
- Semantics (2)
- Vocabulary (1)
- Self-regulation (7)
- Voice (9)
Activities of Daily Living / Self-care (30)
- Dressing (1)
- Feeding / Utensil Management (4)
- Sleep (5)
- Toileting (3)
- Attention (8)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (6)
- Accessibility (1)
- Motor Planning (1)
- Self-advocacy (2)
- Balance (4)
- Bilateral Coordination (5)
Executive Function (23)
- Attention (2)
- Cognitive Flexibility (1)
- Emotional Regulation (6)
- Impulse Control (1)
- Problem Solving (2)
- Self-Monitoring (1)
- Self-Talk (1)
- Task Completion (2)
- Task Initiation (2)
Fine Motor Skills (20)
- Manipulation Skills (1)
- Pincer Grasp (3)
- Pre-writing / Copying / Drawing (7)
- Self-care (2)
- Stacking Blocks (1)
- Writing (3)
Gross Motor Skills (7)
- Movement Changes (2)
- Sequencing (1)
Handwriting (9)
- Letter Formation (4)
- Line Awareness (2)
- Pencil Grasp (2)
- Scribbling (1)
- Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (19)
- Neuromuscular Retraining (1)
Play (11)
- Imaginative (2)
Praxis (2)
Self-regulation (20)
- Coping Skills (5)
- Mindfulness (3)
Sensory (15)
- Auditory (2)
- Interoception (1)
- Proprioception (2)
- Tactile (2)
- Vestibular Sensory Input (1)
- Visual (1)
- Visual Motor Skills (5)
Assisted Device (3)
Balance (4)
- Sitting (1)
Bilateral Coordination (2)
Gait (9)
- Mechanics (4)
- Retraining Exercises (2)
Gross Motor Skills (11)
- Ambulation (6)
- Ball Skills (1)
- Milestones (6)
- Transitions (4)
Neuromuscular Retraining (12)
- Body Awareness (10)
- Crossing Midline (1)
- Weight Bearing (5)
Nutrition (3)
- Amount / Intake (2)
- Eating Patterns (1)
- Weight Management (1)
- Pain (7)
Praxis (11)
- Coordination (7)
- Execution (5)
- Motor Planning (9)
- Range of Motion (7)
Strength (17)
- Core (6)
- Endurance (9)
- Lower Extremity (11)
- Mobility (11)
- Stability / Balance (2)
- Total Body / Gross / Overall (8)
- Upper Extremity (5)
Speech Therapy (108)
Occupational Therapy (79)
Physical Therapy (27)
Feeding Therapy (16)
Articulation (27)
User (Top 10)
- Kevin Dias (96)
- Teodora Gajic Bakic (31)
- Maya Gonzalez (30)
- Paul Rice (25)
- Virginia Ingram (24)
- Meagan Delaney (18)
- Jessica Lenden-Holt (16)
- Trenton Treadway (15)
- Bethany Ayer (14)
- Ian Iyengar (2)