Reference Links

Speech, occupational, physical, and feeding therapy bookmarks from around the web

3 reference links

Feeding Therapy (and Picky Eating)

There are many reasons why a child can have difficulty with feeding. At Sensory Kids we look at the whole picture, taking in your child’s unique needs and strengths and your family routines and pri...


A Little PEP Goes a Long Way In the Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders

Feeding disorder in young children is a growing concern, particularly feeding challenges with sensory and/or behavioral underpinning. These feeding disorders are characterized by food refusal, anxi...


Pediatric Sensory-Based Feeding Difficulties - Conditions and Treatments

Patients who present as picky eaters or only accept limited varieties of foods or liquids may have sensory-based feeding difficulties. Learn more about sensory-based feeding difficulties in children.


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