Reference Links

Speech, occupational, physical, and feeding therapy bookmarks from around the web

276 reference links

The Impact of An Occupational Therapy–Based Handwriting Program For a Preschool Student

Population: Pre K Results: Improvements in letter formation and posture. Learning the structure of each letter and how to increase fine motor abilities. Implication: A structured, occupational t...


Scope of Practice Q&A: Gait Assessment For Falls Risk

Is gait assessment/training and the use of these tools within the occupational therapy scope of practice?


Children's Consonant Acquisition In 27 Languages: A Cross-Linguistic Review

The aim of this study was to provide a cross-linguistic review of acquisition of consonant phonemes to inform speech-language pathologists' expectations of children's developmental capacity by (a) ...


Leveling Up Regulatory Support Through Community Collaboration

While behavioral intervention methodologies and societal expectations for masking remain prevalent, in recent years, there has been a greater emphasis placed on understanding the underlying factors...


The Link Between Language and Spelling: What Speech-Language Pathologists and Teachers Need to Know

SLPs have expertise in the key speech and language domains such as phonology, morphology, and semantics and are therefore well placed to play an important role in supporting learners in making link...


Handwriting: A Matter of Affairs

Mangen and Velay (2010) state that in handwriting, visual attention strongly focuses on the movement of the hand, while in typing, the visual attention scatters between hitting the keyboard and w...


Better Together

It is more productive to focus on addressing the effects of auditory weaknesses on school and home life than to expend energy debating whether poor performance on auditory skills tests reflects an ...


Ed McNeely

All exercise has been shown to contain many benefits for children. This article discusses the effects that strength and resistance training can have on kids.


Reading Longer Words: Insights Into Multisyllabic Word Reading

Students with persistent reading difficulties are often especially challenged by multisyllabic words; they tend to have neither a systematic approach for reading these words nor the confidence to p...


Nurturing Care For Early Childhood Development

Your loving care as a parent is what a child needs to be healthy, wellnourished and safe. • Communicate early and often, starting even before your baby is born. It will help you build a warm and ...


Steps For Implementation: Positive Reinforcement

Reinforcement is an evidence-based practice used to increase appropriate behavior and teach new skills (e.g., replacement behavior in place of an interfering behavior). This document outlines the s...


Evaluation of Bilingual Children- Considerations

An overview of considerations when evaluating bilingual (Spanish/English) children


Learning Two Languages: Bilingualism

Information and resources for SLPs and parents of bilingual children


Language Difference vs Language Disorder: Assessing English Learners

Video available Language Difference vs Language Disorder: Assessing English Learners Carol Westby, Bilingual and Multicultural Services, Albuquerque, NM Kimberly Murphy (Host), Old Dominion Un...


Spanish Phonemic Inventory

Spanish Phonemic Inventory and Facts about Spanish Phonemes by ASHA


Bilingual (Spanish/English) Evaluation Resources

Dozens of speech, language, fluency, and other evaluation resources for bilingual evaluations


Red Flags For Speech-Language Impairment In Bilingual Children

Red Flags for Speech-Language Impairment in Bilingual Children Differentiate disability from disorder by understanding common developmental milestones.


Why Do the Children (Pretend) Play?

Pretend play appears to be an evolved behavior because it is universal and appears on a set schedule. However, no specific functions have been determined for pretend play and empirical tests for it...


Speech Development In Spanish and English: What the Differences Mean to SLPs

Speech Development in Spanish and English: What the differences mean to SLPs by Bilinguistics


Bilingual (English/Spanish) Therapy Materials By Bilinguistics

Downloads and resources for providing bilingual therapy (Spanish/English)


Articulation and Intelligibility Norms For Spanish and English

Articulation and Intelligibility Norms for Spanish and English by Bilinguistics


Bilingual Language Development Video

YouTube Video on Bilingual Language Development by Kathy Kohnert


How Do Phonological Processes Differ Between Spanish and English?

Description of how do Phonological Processes differ Between Spanish and English.


Bilingual Service Delivery

Information and resources regarding bilingual service delivery by SLPs (from ASHA)


Nonword Repetition Tasks For Dynamic Assessment or Bilingual Evaluations

Nonword Repetition Tasks (NWRT) can be used as a dynamic assessment as opposed to static assessment. NWRTs assess phonological working memory, speech perception, phonological assembly, and short te...


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